Quality in Ageing and Older Adults: Volume 11 Issue 4
Promoting excellence in services through research, policy and practice
Table of contents
A funding settlement that works for people, not services
Emma Stone, Claudia WoodThis article is about how to fund care and support for a growing, and increasingly diverse, population of older people. We ask whether it is possible to create a funding…
Time for a tax‐funded national care service
Dot GibsonThe existing social care system is riddled with complexity ‐ an unfair system of means testing to determine payment plus a postcode lottery of funding and standards ‐ providing…
Options for funding longterm care: the partnership model compared
Richard Humphries, Julien ForderThis article examines options for the reform of adult social care funding, noting that universal agreement on the need for a new system has not been matched by political consensus…
Navigating the long road to long‐term care funding reform
James LloydDebate on long‐term care funding reform has evolved steadily over the last five years. New thinking has explored the role of ‘matching contributions’ and ‘cohort insurance’…
Reforming adult social care: what can England learn from the experiences of other countries?
Caroline GlendinningThis article proposes principles for reforming English adult social care by drawing on the experiences of other countries. These illustrate how the funding, organisation and…
Taking the Cinderella speciality to the PROM: developing a patientrelated outcome measure for an older adult mental health service
Paul Whelan, Tresa Andrews, Seraphim Patel, Alex LewisIn the UK there has been a shift over the last decade towards the setting of targets by commissioning or regulatory bodies so that health services provide improved levels of care…
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- Prof Fiona Poland