Online Information Review: Volume 48 Issue 1


Table of contents

Digital natives and streaming TV platforms: an integrated perspective to explain continuance usage of over-the-top services

Felix Friederich, Ramon Palau-Saumell, Jorge Matute, Jan-Hinrich Meyer

Digital natives constitute a substantial part of consumers nowadays. Yet, a theoretical understanding of the factors driving their engagement with new-age digital services is…


When WhatsApp changed its privacy policy: explaining WhatsApp discontinuation using an enablers-inhibitors' perspective

Ali Farooq, Laila Dahabiyeh, Yousra Javed

The purpose of this paper is to understand the factors that enable and inhibit WhatsApp users' discontinuance intention (DI) following the change in WhatsApp's privacy policy.


Modeling the acceptance and resistance to use mobile contact tracing apps: a developing nation perspective

Michael Adu Kwarteng, Alex Ntsiful, Christian Nedu Osakwe, Kwame Simpe Ofori

This study proposes and validates an integrated theoretical model involving the theory of planned behavior (TPB), health belief model (HBM), personal norms and information privacy…


Towards a taxonomy of research areas in open government data

Ahmad Nadzri Mohamad, Allan Sylvester, Jennifer Campbell-Meier

This study aimed to develop a taxonomy of research areas in open government data (OGD) through a bibliometric mapping tool and a qualitative analysis software.

The infinity vaccine war: linguistic regularities and audience engagement of vaccine debate on Twitter

Rachel X. Peng, Ryan Yang Wang

As public health professionals strive to promote vaccines for inoculation efforts, fervent anti-vaccination movements are marshaling against it. This study is motived by a need…

What motivates people to counter misinformation on social media? Unpacking the roles of perceived consequences, third-person perception and social media use

Chen Luo, Yijia Zhu, Anfan Chen

Drawing upon the third-person effect (TPE) theory, this study focuses on two types of misinformation countering intentions (i.e. simple correction and correction with…

Google Discover: uses, applications and challenges in the digital journalism of Spain, Brazil and Greece

Carlos Lopezosa, Dimitrios Giomelakis, Leyberson Pedrosa, Lluís Codina

This paper constitutes the first academic study to be made of Google Discover as applied to online journalism.

Exploring the psychometric properties of the digital citizenship scale among Indian students

Shivangi Verma, Naval Garg

Previous studies highlighted a shortage of scale to measure digital citizenship among Indians. Accordingly, this study examined the psychometric properties of Jones and…

How social are open-access debates: a follow-up study of tweeters' sentiments

Hajar Sotudeh

Despite the widespread studies on the attitudes about OA, there exists little comparative evidence about the opinions of author and non-author parties at a global level in a…

Using online English learning resources: utilitarian and hedonic perspectives

Fan-Chen Tseng, Pei-Hsun Emma Liu, T.C. Edwin Cheng, Ching-I Teng

This study intended to identify and categorize the drivers of using online English learning resources (OELR) and to understand OELR's impacts.

The development and validation of the Indian social media addiction scale

Natasha Saqib, Faseeh Amin

Millions of social media users over the last two decades have become dependent on social media that has negatively affected their lives, both physically and mentally. Earlier…

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  • Professor Eugenia Siapera