info: Volume 8 Issue 4
Table of contents - Special Issue: Next generation mobile telecommunications networks: challenges to the Nordic ICT industries
Guest Editors: Christopher Palmberg, Erik Bohlin
Next generation mobile telecommunications networks: challenges to the Nordic ICT industries
Christopher Palmberg, Eric BohlinThe purpose of this paper is to introduce the papers in the special issue on “Next generation mobile telecommunications networks challenges to the Nordic ICT industries”.
3G Standards: the battle between WCDMA and CDMA2000
Dan Saugstrup, Anders HentenThe main purpose of this paper is to analyze which standard/technology will win the 3G mobile markets. In addition, two sub topics are examined. First, which kind of victory will…
Complementarities creating substitutes – possible paths towards 3G, WLAN/WiMAX and ad hoc networks
Olli E. MartikainenInternet and GSM have become the dominant designs for information and communication technology (ICT) industries in the late 1990s. Internet protocol (IP) is the dominant standard…
Standards dynamics and industrial organization in the mobile telecom sector
Eric J. Iversen, Richard TeeThe purpose of this mainly conceptual paper is to analyze key changes in the institutional setting for standardization and to discuss what they indicate about further developments…
Innovation system dynamics in the Swedish telecom sector
Sven Lindmark, Erik J. Andersson, Erik Bohlin, Mattias JohanssonTo analyse the evolution of the Swedish telecommunications sector (1970‐2003), with a focus on barriers and drivers of innovative activity.
Diversification in response to ICT convergence – indigenous capabilities versus R&D alliances of the Finnish telecom industry
Christopher Palmberg, Olli MartikainenWhile the ICT industry as a whole is undergoing a potentially disruptive phase of development due to the convergence between information and telecom technologies and the rapid…
The Danish ICT sector in an international perspective: a mismatch between demand and supply
Christian R. Pedersen, Michael S. Dahl, Bent DalumTo analyse the past developments and future challenges of the Danish ICT industries with a focus on the mobile communications industry.