info: Volume 6 Issue 5
Table of contents
Is spectrum still a constraint for mobile telecommunications?
Harald GruberThe paper sets out to reconcile some puzzles observed in the cellular mobile telecommunications industry. European auctions for 3G services led to unprecedented high spectrum…
Lessons from government's role in electronic contracting
Qin Hu, Xun Wu, Clement K. WangAlthough electronic commerce (e‐commerce) can be a source of competitive advantage, will e‐commerce businesses in countries like China flourish when governments still take a…
Learning to swim with sharks: Caribbean and African telecommunications regulatory experience under monopoly conditions (1993‐2003)
A. Vindelyn Smith‐Hillman, Terrence Wendell BrathwaiteThis paper contrasts the regulatory experience of the telecommunications industry in two regions, Africa and the Caribbean. Whilst possessing some socio‐economic similarities…
Wholesale pricing and local exchange competition
Lisa V. Wood, William P. Zarakas, David E.M. SappingtonExamines recent trends in local exchange competition in the US telecommunications industry. Shows that the predominant modes of operation by competitive local exchange carriers…
Virtual nonviolence? Civil disobedience and political violence in the information age
Andrew CalabreseNonviolent civil disobedience is a vital and protected form of political communication in modern constitutional democracies. Reviews the idea of both demonstrating its continued…