info: Volume 17 Issue 2
Table of contents
The politics of margin squeeze in telecommunications: diverging paths of the US and EU
Fuat Oğuz– This paper aims to study the historical origins of margin squeeze cases in the USA and Europe.
Bribery and corruption in telecommunications – the Kingdom of Morocco
Ewan Sutherland– This paper aims to analyse telecommunications in Morocco and the control exercised by the absolute monarch who also owns one of three mobile operators.
Portfolios of control in mobile eco-systems: evolution and validation
Sandip Mukhopadhyay, Harry Bouwman, Mahadeo JaiswalThis paper aims to study the critical role played by interorganizational control mechanisms in a mobile ecosystems and how the portfolios of control evolves when the service…
Smart for whom? Cost ambiguity as corporate strategy in the 21st century telco sector
Anthony Morven Gould, Guillaume DesjardinsThis paper aims to expose techniques that telco vendors use for maximising revenue from their clients. Although the five-point strategy unearthed was based on the Canadian telco…
Multidimensionality: redefining the digital divide in the smartphone era
Eun-A Park, Sangwon LeeIn a converged and smart media environment, it no longer makes sense to talk only of a digital divide based on access to a platform – instead, a new “smartphone divide” is created…