info: Volume 16 Issue 5
Table of contents
Lobbying and litigation in telecommunications markets – reapplying Porter’s five forces
Ewan Sutherland– The purpose of this paper is to consider extending the Porter “five forces” model for business strategy to encompass nonmarket actions in the telecommunications sector.
Spectrum sharing metrics
Jan Kruys, Peter Anker, Roel SchiphorstThe purpose of this paper is to propose technology-independent metrics for measuring spectrum utilization efficiency and spectrum sharing which could prove useful in spectrum…
Anchor product regulation – a new regulatory tool
Brian Williamson– The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new regulatory tool which is intermediate between an ex ante price control and no price control.
Maximum impact for minimum subsidy: reverse auctions for universal access in Chile and India
Irene S. WuThe purpose of this article is to discuss how minimum subsidy auctions have been implemented in Chile and India for Internet and mobile phone infrastructure to and identify…
Over-the-top (OTT) content: implications and best response strategies of traditional telecom operators. Evidence from Latin America
Juan José Ganuza, María Fernanda ViecensThis paper aims to focus on the interplay between the market of contents and telecom operators. Traditional telecom operators are vulnerable to the new markets and services that…
Digital radio – the fight for diffusion in Germany
Juergen SteinheberThe diffusion of digital radio has experienced more challenges than for digital TV regarding a digital switchover. The purpose of this paper shows on the specific case of Germany…