info: Volume 11 Issue 6
Table of contents - Special Issue: Policy support for next generation communications
Guest Editors: JosLuis GmezBarroso, Claudio Feijo
Policy tools for public involvement in the deployment of next generation communications
José‐Luis Gómez‐Barroso, Claudio FeijóoThe purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the policy tools to complement public involvement and public‐private collaboration in the deployment of next generation…
Standardising wholesale super‐fast broadband access: the public role
Chinyelu OnwurahThis paper seeks to set out a framework for assessing whether and how to intervene in the standardisation of new technologies, based on the experience of Ofcom, the UK converged…
Interoperability provision in NGC: the case of Italian DTV
Nicola MatteucciThe deployment of next generation communications (NGC) progresses unevenly, frequently suffering from insufficient interoperability. Interoperability remains a fundamental driver…
Innovation in information society policy: rationale, policy mix and impact in The Netherlands
Martijn Poel, Linda KoolThe purpose of this paper is to explore how innovation has become more important in information society policy and what the implications are for policy design, policy coordination…
The role of public administrations in developing electronic communications infrastructures in Spain
Sergio Ramos, Maite Arcos, Cristina ArmuñaThe purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the direct involvement of public administrations in the supply side of electronic communications markets based on the…
User‐led, citizen innovation at the interface of services
Corina Pascu, Marc van LieshoutThe paper attempts to reflect on user empowerment enabled by three contemporary approaches, namely living labs, open innovation and social computing, as innovation instruments for…