The British Journal of Forensic Practice: Volume 12 Issue 2
Table of contents
Psychopathy and youth violence: research, controversies and clinical utility
Mark Olver, Keira StockdaleEmpirical research concerning the reliability and predictive validity of the juvenile psychopathy construct, as assessed by the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL: YV;…
Goal attainment scaling: usefulness of a tool to measure risk in violent mentally disordered offenders
Amy Izycky, Louise Braham, Lisa Williams, Todd HogueMeasures of risk employed in mental health settings in the last 20 years have consisted of clinical scales that comprise both historical and clinical factors. Examples of such…
An investigation into the relationship between digit length ratio (2D: 4D) and psychopathy
Alyson Blanchard, Minna LyonsThis study investigates whether a higher level of pre‐natal testosterone, as indicated by the 2D: 4D digit ratio, is a correlate of psychopathy and cognitive empathy. The main…
CORE: the core issues surrounding its psychometric properties: a quantitative analysis of its use in an Irish population of childhood abuse victims
Gary Byrne, Sean Hammond, Philip MooreWith the increased need for quantitative measures of accountability and effectiveness in the therapeutic setting, standardised outcome measures have come to the fore. This study…
Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the Schutte Self‐Report Emotional Intelligence Scale (SSREI) in a sample of male offenders
Pamela Qualter, Jane Ireland, Kathryn GardnerSome studies assess impairments in emotional functioning of offenders using measures of emotional intelligence (EI). Such measures were developed for use in general populations…