The British Journal of Forensic Practice: Volume 1 Issue 1
Table of contents
Rationing Access to Treatment Regimes
Stephen ShawShould treatment regimes be targetted, if so how, and what are the consequences for those left out? Stephen Shaw assesses the approaches.
The Motivation of Arsonists* ‐Reflections on Research and Practice
Herschel PrinsThe offence of arson is examined within a very brief cultural and historical context; reference is made to the law and the size of the problem in the UK and elsewhere. Some…
Pre‐Sentence Reports, Risk Assessment and the Adversarial Process
Mark HarrisThe role of the Probation Service in providing an information and assessment process to the courts is currently in a state of considerable flux. This paper, in reviewing the…
Risk Assessment In Forensic Mental Health
David CrightonRisk assessment is a fundamental aspect of forensic practice. This paper reviews some of the logical issues inherent in the process of assessing risk. A structured generic model…
Risk Assessment and Risk Management: Practice and Policy Implications
Hazel KemshallThis paper reviews the current issues in risk assessment and risk management facing practitioners, and draws upon current literature to argue for an holistic approach to…
Cross Gender Supervision and Control in Male Prisons in England: A Summary of Officers' Perspectives
Joanna AdlerThis article reports findings from interviews conducted with 120 officers working within medium to high security prisons in England. It presents part of a project designed to test…