Journal of Property Investment & Finance: Volume 36 Issue 5

Table of contents

Real estate media sentiment through textual analysis

Jessica Roxanne Ruscheinsky, Marcel Lang, Wolfgang Schäfers

The purpose of this paper is to determine systematically the broader relationship between news media sentiment, extracted through textual analysis of articles published by leading…


Identifying the risk factors in Indian non-listed real estate funds

Ashish Gupta, Graeme Newell, Deepak Bajaj, Satya Mandal

Investment in non-listed real estate funds (NREFs) in an emerging economy like India has its own challenges that entail a detailed understanding of the risks. The purpose of this…


Real estate performance in Nigeria pension fund

Obinna Lawrence Umeh, Al-ameen Ayoade Okonu

The purpose of this paper is to examine the contribution of real estate to the performance of mixed-asset portfolio of Nigeria Pension Fund with a view to providing a guide on…


The increasing importance of UK healthcare property as an alternate property sector

Graeme Newell, Muhammad Jufri Marzuki

Amongst the alternate property sectors, healthcare property has recently become an important property sector for major investors such as pension funds in the global property…


Impediments to foreign real estate investment in an emerging market: A tripartite characterisation of the Lagos, Nigeria property market

Daramola Thompson Olapade, Timothy Oluwafemi Ayodele, Abel Olaleye

The purpose of this paper is to examine the of characteristics of Lagos, Nigeria property market and its submarkets on the prism of the market practitioners’ characteristics…


The emergence of Spanish REITs

Muhammad Jufri Marzuki, Graeme Newell

Spanish real estate investment trusts (REITs) emerged as an important and rapidly expanding property investment vehicle, against the backdrop of improving Spain macro-economic…

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  • Nick French