Journal of Property Investment & Finance: Volume 34 Issue 4

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Table of contents

Evaluation of Australian industry superannuation fund performance; asset allocation to property

Wejendra Reddy

Property is a key investment asset class that offers considerable benefits in a mixed-asset portfolio. Previous studies have concluded that property allocation should be within…


Liquidity in global real estate securities markets: A cyclical and regional analysis pre, during and post GFC

Nicole Lux, Alex Moss

The purpose of this paper is to test the relationship between liquidity in listed real estate markets, company size and geography during different market cycles, specifically…


European REITs NAV discount: do investors believe in property appraisal?

Giacomo Morri, Alessandro Baccarin

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the NAV discount of European REITs listed in France, the Netherlands and the UK between 2003 and 2014, considering elements of both…


The feasibility of medical office building green upgrades from an owner/lessor perspective

Billie Ann Brotman

The purpose of this paper is to exam the financial impact on the owner/lessor who is considering a partial energy upgrade to an existing medical office building. The owner who…


Do taxable REIT subsidiary spell risk for REITs? An empirical examination

Juan C. Cardona

The purpose of this paper is to employ a unique data sample to study the relationship between risk and the use of taxable real estate investment trusts (REITs) subsidiary (TRS)…


The changing real estate market transparency in the European real estate markets

Graeme Newell

Real estate market transparency is an important factor in real estate investment and occupier decision making. The purpose of this paper is to assess real estate transparency over…


Compulsory purchase and compensation update – 2016

Gary Sams

The purpose of this paper is to summarise and analyse reforms to the compulsory purchase compensation code which have been published for consultation by the Department for…

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  • Nick French