Journal of Property Investment & Finance: Volume 33 Issue 1

Table of contents

Market maturity: China commercial real estate market

Qiulin Ke, Karen Sieracki

The purpose of this paper is to explore the evolutionary path to market maturity that China property market has taken over the last few decades. The focus is on the commercial…


Inflation hedging and protection characteristics of infrastructure and real estate assets

Daniel Wurstbauer, Wolfgang Schäfers

Similar to real estate, infrastructure investments are regarded as providing a good inflation hedge and inflation protection. However, the empirical literature on infrastructure…


The significance and performance of Singapore REITs in a mixed-asset portfolio

Graeme Newell, Anh Khoi Pham, Joseph Ooi

REITs have taken on increased significance in Asia in recent years, with Singapore REITs (S-REITs) becoming an important property investment vehicle since 2002. The purpose of…


Simulating the cyclically adjusted returns to UK property lending

Richard Barkham, Malcolm Frodsham

– The purpose of this paper is to provide an indication of the returns to commercial property lending over the last 30 years in the UK.


The diverging role of the systematic risk factors: evidence from real estate stock markets

Stephan Lang, Alexander Scholz

The risk-return relationship of real estate equities is of particular interest for investors, practitioners and researchers. The purpose of this paper is to examine, in an asset…


Landlord and Tenant Act 1954: time for a change?: Landlord and tenant update

Malcolm John Dowden

This legal update examines recent decisions on the security of tenure given by Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 to business tenants, and asks whether it is time to revisit or remove a…

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  • Nick French