Journal of Property Investment & Finance: Volume 22 Issue 5
Table of contents
Modelling rental change across key retail investment markets in Britain: Valuation and measurement considerations
Peter F. Colwell, Catherine JacksonModels of the commercial property market have become increasingly sophisticated in recent years. However, the retail sector and, more specifically, analysis of retail markets at…
Does corporate real estate create wealth for shareholders?
Kim Hiang Liow, Joseph T.L. OoiThis study examines the influence of corporate real estate (CRE) on shareholder value using two value‐based measures: economic value added (EVA) and market value added (MVA). We…
Contagion or interdependence?: Evidence from comovements in Asia‐Pacific securitised real estate markets during the 1997 crisis
Patrick Wilson, Ralf ZurbrueggThis paper examines whether there was contagion from the Thai securitised real estate market to four other prominent Asia‐Pacific property markets. Based on Forbes and Rigobon's…
Governance and optimal financing for asset‐backed securitization
Gang‐Zhi Fan, Tien Foo Sing, Seow Eng Ong, C.F. SirmansAsset‐backed securitization (ABS) is an interesting financial innovation whereby debt instruments backed by cash flows generated from income‐producing assets are issued for…

1463-578XRenamed from:
Journal of Property Valuation and InvestmentOnline date, start – end:
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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Nick French