Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting: Volume 4 Issue 2
Table of contents
Working Time and Work Organisation: Recent Trends in Working Time
GERHARD BOSCHThe paper analyses the interrelation between working time and work organisation in Europe. This interrelation can be considered from the point of view of either employers or…
Experiences with the Four‐Day Week at the Volkswagen Company
MARKUS PROMBERGER, HARTMUT SEIFERT, RAINER TRINCZEKIn 1993, an innovative working time agreement was achieved at the Volkswagen (VW) Company. Its major aim was to save 30,000 jobs in VW's six German plants, which were endangered…
Experiments of Reduced Working Hours in Finnish Municipalities
JOUKO NÄTTI, TIMO ANTTILAThis article examines experiments with shorter working hours in Finnish municipalities between 1996 and 1998. The article focuses on the effects of different working time…
Reduced Working Hours and Extended Operation Hours: A Profitable Change to a 6+6‐Hour Shift Model in Essilor Oy
BIRGITTA OLSSONIn this article, the author discusses the implications of a 6+6‐hour model for the production economy of the Finnish Company Essilor Oy. The theory of returns to scale has been…
Good Times in America? Work Schedule Flexibility among U.S. Workers
LONNIE GOLDENThis paper aims to discuss the importance of flexible working time arrangements in the United States (U.S.). Section I creates a framework to analyse the various dimensions of…