A Life in the Day: Volume 9 Issue 3

Table of contents

Money matters

Peter Campbell

Money ‐ not only lack of it but also getting it, banking it, saving and investing it ‐ is a central part of most people's lives. From drawing benefits through a bank account to…


Social inclusion through the arts

Jo Saunders

The Old Parcels Office Arts Centre is a community arts‐in‐health project in the heart of Bridlington that aims to promote positive mental health for all through creative activity…


Making it work: service users and professionals as research partners

Mark Hayward, Clare Ockwell, Tim Bird, Howard Pearce, Sheree Parfoot, Theresa Bates

Capital is a user‐led training, consultancy and research organisation based in West Sussex. When the local mental health trust decided to evaluate its assertive outreach team…


Social inclusion for all? meeting the needs of low secure service users

Rachel Wakefield, Noel McGrath, Terence Holliday

Standard one of the national service framework for mental health (DH, 1999) requires health and social services to promote social inclusion for all. Users of secure services are…


A ray of hope

Josephine Sharples

Josephine Sharples describes how a creative writing and computer course changed the course of her life



Diane Crone

Diane Crone at the University of Gloucestershire has been involved for over a decade in the design, delivery, evaluation and research both of exercise referral schemes and the use…



Adam Pozner

Our new regular page listing reports, publications and training materials of relevance to readers. If you come across new publications, training materials, websites or other…




Online date, start – end:

1997 – 2009

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Emerald Publishing Limited