A Life in the Day: Volume 6 Issue 1

Table of contents


Friendship, intimacy and sexuality among persons with serious mental illness

Nan Rich, William Whetstone, David Lowson

Genuinely user‐centred mental health services claim to respond to the wants and aspirations of people with mental health problems. Surveys of service users' wants show that they…


The Able Volunteers programme

Peter Bates

During 2001 the National Development Team has been running the ‘Able Volunteers’ programme. This is a year‐long research programme that has been investigating inclusive…


Trumpeting volunteers

Trevor Munday

The words ‘meaningful occupation’ have been used and abused in official documents and journals but it is rare that anyone ever says what they mean. We are not going to attempt a…


Working Like Crazy to promote social enterprises and user/survivor‐run businesses

Tessa Parkes, Sara Meddings, Steve Tilley

This inspiring article describes a series of activities that have taken place in the UK over the past year (2001) aiming to generate interest in user/survivor/consumer‐run social…


My day at the First Step Trust project in Broadmoor


For the past two years the First Step Trust (FST) has been running a work experience project in Broadmoor. This has been evaluated and has been shown to be successful in raising…


New publications

Adam Pozner

In this issue, we profile two new and very different publications. The first is a compilation of poetry and prose written by users and ex‐users of mental health services across…


Care Programme to Work: The end of the beginning

Bob Grove, Patience Seebohm

This article summarises the findings of the Care Programme to Work Project and describes some of the publications that it has produced. Care Programme to Work was a three‐year…




Online date, start – end:

1997 – 2009

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited