A Life in the Day: Volume 5 Issue 2

Table of contents


Mary Nettle

In this issue the editorial is by A life in the day Board member Mary Nettle. It was written originally in response to the World Health Authority 1996 ‘consensus’ statement on…


Challenging fundamental assumptions about mental health service users and work

Miles Rinaldi, Robert Hill

New research by the authors in the London Borough of Merton challenges three commonly held assumptions ‐ that mental health service users do not want to work, that work will make…


Working the market

Tracey Austin

A life in the day Board member Tracey Austin came across a unique craft business while browsing in Spitalfields market. She was inspired to pay a visit and here is what she found…


Getting in touch with employers

Bernard Pistell

The first working day of this millennium year was a landmark event for Milton Keynes MIND when the Mental Health ‐ Employers' Roadshow was launched at the new Milton Keynes…


Social inclusion ‐‐ a framework for evaluation

Peter Bates, Julie Repper

The concept of ‘social inclusion’ has become shorthand for all kinds of desirable service outcomes, but what does it actually mean? Can it be deconstructed in to component parts…


Welfare to work ‐‐ benefit barriers

Jean Betteridge

This issue has an extended Benefits section. Manchester Advice provide a service to 48,000 people a year and for the last three years have been building a dossier of the rules…


Online information and the Survivor Research Network

Adam Pozner

In this issue we include profiles of the Ermis database, now available on the net, and the Survivor Research Network. Many of you will already be familiar with Ermis which has for…




Online date, start – end:

1997 – 2009

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited