A Life in the Day: Volume 3 Issue 2

Table of contents


Leros — Escape into Life

John Henderson, Bob Grove

Ten years ago the Greek island of Leros became notorious throughout Europe as one of the worst examples of the inhumanity of the ‘total institution’ still existing within the…


Not Just Any Old Job: a Danish initiative to get people into work

Bibi Engelholm

Appropriate Job Re‐entering (Danish abbreviation: VAP) was a project initiated by the county of Vejle in Denmark and part‐funded by the European Social Fund (ESF). It aimed to…



Bob Donnelly

In May 1998 I was commissioned by the Mental Health Framework Employment Sub‐Group for Aberdeen to review the current mix of employment services for people with mental health…


‘Right, Said Fred’

Peter Bates

‘As soon as I moved into my new house, I wanted to paint something, to put my signature on the walls, to make it my own.’ Most of us feel a bit like this, and we like to stake our…


Writing the ‘User Chapter’

Increasingly users of mental health services are asked to give up their time to represent the ‘user perspective’. Whether this is an opportunity or an imposition is debatable ‐ it…


Arts and Mental Health

Adam Pozner

Creative arts activities can be immensely valuable in enabling those of us living with or recovering from mental distress to express and interpret our experience, rebuild…


Wise up on Welfare on the Web

Elizabeth Bray

Welfare reform and benefits changes are vitally important to people with mental health problems. Yet the details about policy changes are barely reported. The broadsheets ‐ the…


Not on our Patch — Developments of Social Firms in the Highlands: obstacles and opportunities

Donald MacLeod

On 2 June 1998, the lead story in the north of Scotland's morning daily newspaper, the Press and Journal, carried the headline: ‘Impasse on plan for café ‐ Traders object to work…




Online date, start – end:

1997 – 2009

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Emerald Publishing Limited