A Life in the Day: Volume 13 Issue 2

Table of contents


Recovery heroes ‐ a profile of Dolly Sen

Dolly Sen, Sarah Morgan, Jerome Carson

The development of the recovery approach must mean a fundamental change in how mental health services see service users, for as the Social Perspectives Network paper rhetorically…


Beat the Blues — a self‐help group for parents experiencing postnatal depression

Rose Tyldesley, Linda Phillips

Beat the Blues is a support group in Stockport providing information and support to anyone who thinks that they may be suffering from postnatal depression. Set up and run by a…


The Care Programme Approach and adult learning

Caroline Law

There is general consensus that taking up adult learning is good for mental health. For people experiencing mental health difficulties, taking up learning enhances social…


Lifting Barriers: African and Caribbean people tell their stories

Zhenreenah Muhxinga, Corrine Douglas, David Francis, Mark Laville, Sidney Millin, Juliana Pamfield, Peter Smith, Raymond Smith

A group of African and Caribbean people decided to tell mental health workers and others in east London about their struggles to achieve mental health. They wanted to show that…


The Employment and Well‐being Project

Emer O'Neill, Hannah Proto

Depression interferes with your life; it robs you of joy and can steal your dreams, hopes and aspirations. When it grips hold of your life, it can make you doubt your ability to…


Voices of survival

Júlia Sorribes, Phil Ruthen, Simon Jenner, Sally Richards, Steve Mann

Survivors' Poetry was established in 1991 by four major poets who had first‐hand experience of the mental health system. The current CEO of Survivors' Poetry, Simon Jenner…


This is not a pipe

Robin Johnson

Robin Johnson continues his excellent series on housing issues, this time exploring the important role that support workers can have in reaching out to and engaging with…


Leeds Survivor Led Crisis Service — survivor‐led philosophy in action

Fiona Venner

Leeds Survivor Led Crisis Service was set up in 1999 by a group of service users, who had campaigned for five years to develop the service. We were set up to be a place of…


The Partnership Programme

Liz Stevens

Liz Stevens brings us an update on the Partnership Programme, a national collaboration between the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education the Learning and Skills Council…




Online date, start – end:

1997 – 2009

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Emerald Publishing Limited