A Life in the Day: Volume 12 Issue 3

Table of contents


The Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) Football League

Janette Hynes

A London football league has been set up for people who are experiencing or recovering from mental illness. The Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) Football League was started by an…


Occupational therapy ‐ its contribution to social inclusion and recovery

Hilary Dowling, Ailsa Hutchinson

Occupational therapy is a crucial part of the recovery agenda and social inclusion for people who experience mental ill health. Occupational therapists strive to support…


The Speakers Bureau: a voice in the media

Ben Furner

The Shift Speakers Bureau is a volunteer databank of around 40 people with mental health conditions or carers who can provide interviews and talk to the media about issues related…


Direct payments: the future now

Robin Murray‐Neill, Pauline Heslop, Koula Serle, Hazel March, Karen

Direct payments in mental health services have come a long way in the last few years, but are personal budgets and the increasing prominence of social care in policy terms having…


Service users as managers: two sides of the same coin or a different currency?

Richard Hayes

As part of their work on social inclusion, the Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP) asked Richard Hayes to facilitate a learning set for managers who work in mental health…


Promoting social inclusion for users of forensic services

Jan Hutchinson

Everyone has the right to be in employment, regardless of disability or mental health condition. South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) is working to empower service…


Modernising day and employment services in South Essex: the role of service user researchers

Jenny Secker, Mark Tebbs

A year‐long review of services was carried out in South Essex by local authority and primary care trust commissioners to help inform future commissioning plans. The review…


SCOPE for social inclusion?

Peter Huxley, Sherrill Evans, Maria Munroe, Sally Philpin

This paper sets out to look at social inclusion among users within services, asking the questions is there a general measure of agreement about what social inclusion means to…


Policy and action

Rebecca Mitchell

The National Social Inclusion Programme (NSIP) has developed a new project within its community participation work stream: Mental Health, Social Inclusion and the Arts. This…




Online date, start – end:

1997 – 2009

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Emerald Publishing Limited