A Life in the Day: Volume 11 Issue 1

Table of contents


Creating star wards

Marion Janner

The time and skills of inpatients and staff on acute psychiatric wards could be put to much better use by introducing more activities, says Marion Janner. Here she outlines the…


Pathways in health and well‐being

Kim Wiltshire

Kim Wiltshire describes how Pathways, a Manchester‐based three‐year arts programme, helped people overcome the challenges of living with mental ill health.


What makes an entrepreneur?

Sophy Hallam, Patience Seebohm, Paul Grey

Sophy Hallam (consultant) and Patience Seebohm (independent researcher) discuss what makes an entrepreneur, and Paul Grey, Ross Parker and Mark Swift (all experts by experience in…


Criminal justice, mental health and employment

Judith Hammond

Judith Hammond outlines the particular barriers facing offenders with mental health problems trying to get back into employment following release from prison.


Challenging stigma and discrimination

Vanessa Pinfold, Toni Borneo

Vanessa Pinfold and Toni Borneo describe the successes of the Rethink anti‐discrimination campaign in Norwich, which aimed to test out ways to challenge negative public attitudes…


Working together to improve access to learning

Kathryn James

Kathryn James outlines a national partnership project established to promote and facilitate access to adult education for people with mental health problems.


Everybody's business

Jane Gilliard

Older people with mental health needs are everybody's business, says Jane Gilliard in this article outlining the Department of Health's policy framework for delivering better…


The Vishvas mental health project

Narinder Gharial

Narinder Gharial makes a case for separate mental health support services for South Asians, whose language and cultural needs are often neglected by the statutory mental health…




Online date, start – end:

1997 – 2009

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Emerald Publishing Limited