A Life in the Day: Volume 10 Issue 4

Table of contents


My story

Mark Laville

Mark Laville describes how AKABA, a specialist outreach education and employment support programme for black men with mental health problems, has helped him turn his life around �…


Voyage on a painted sea

Wendy Teall, Annie Tortora‐Cailey, Jill Cunningham

Start in Manchester uses art as a vehicle to help people recovering from serious mental distress re‐establish their lives in their communities. Wendy Teall, Annie Tortora‐Cailey…


Breaking down the ‘them and us’

Lesley Herbert

Mental health trusts are encouraged to employ people with personal experience of mental health problems. Lesley Herbert describes what it's like for someone to both work for a…


Pilots without planes

Roger Butterworth

Roger Butterworth has been a pioneering figure in the field of job retention services for people with mental health problems over the last decade ‐ both running services himself…


Mentoring for students with mental health problems

Ann Heyno

Opportunities for people with mental health problems to go to university are now much greater, thanks to the Disability Discrimination Act. Also, many universities now offer…


Spiritual and cultural care in recovery

Quisra Khan

Changes in the way mental health services are provided and in the religious profile of the population require changes in the way the NHS provides its chaplaincy services. Qaisra…


Travel Matters: from NHS to independent sector

Helen Lockett, Sally Reynolds, Peter Cobbett

Travel Matters, based in Redhill, Surrey, is an independent travel agency offering a wide choice of travel and holidays at competitive prices. As a fully bonded travel agency, it…


Leading by Example

Beatrice Bray

Beatrice Bray reviews Leading by Example, the report from the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health on its programme of support for trusts seeking to introduce mental health‐friendly…




Online date, start – end:

1997 – 2009

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited