A Life in the Day: Volume 10 Issue 3

Table of contents


When opposites attract?

Toby Williamson, David Crepaz‐Keay

How far is our position within the mental health system ‐ as service user, survivor, carer or practitioner, for example ‐ fixed and defines what we can achieve? Is ‘expertise by…


Mapping arts and mental health projects

Helen Spandler, Jenny Secker, Sue Hacking, Jo Shenton

Helen Spandler and colleagues report on the first phase of a project to map arts and mental health projects in England and evaluate their benefits in terms of participants' mental…


Mental health in the mainstream

Jennifer Rankin

Imagine a world where mental health is everybody's business and mental health problems no longer a source of social stigma. Jennifer Rankin believes this isn't an impossible dream…


Reaching out to Vietnamese communities

Jack Shieh

Jack Shieh profiles the Vietnamese Mental Health Service (VMHS), an agency set up in 1989 to promote culturally sensitive services for people from Vietnam who have mental health…


Don't mention God!

Peter Gilbert, Natalie Watts

For many people with mental health problems, spirituality is an essential part of their recovery. This is something that mental health services are beginning to recognise. Peter…


Leading by example

Stephany Carolan

This article by Stephany Carolan describes the start of a journey by Hampshire Partnership Trust towards becoming an exemplar employer through participation in the CSIP Leading by…


Celebrating diversity

Sarah Hill, Robert Halsey

North London Forensic Service is one of the largest NHS medium secure units in the country. Sarah Hill and Robert Halsey describe how the hospital held an inaugural Festival of…




Online date, start – end:

1997 – 2009

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Emerald Publishing Limited