Journal of Workplace Learning: Volume 36 Issue 8

Table of contents

Learning engagement interventions to enhance diversity, equity and inclusivity culture at workplace

Shrikant Prabhakar Wavre, Sunaina Chetan Kuknor, Pooja Dhaktod, Sasmit Khokale

The aim of this study is to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusiveness (DEI) culture by using individuals’ learning engagement (ILE) as a catalyst with formal and informal…


Ethics education in management in academia and HRD: an identity control theory-based model

Ori Eyal, Izhak Berkovich

The current body of research has separately examined ethics education design and evaluation, as well as the development of ethical identity in managers. However, a notable…


The impact of national culture in predicting informal learning behaviors

Flávia Lucena Barbosa, Jairo Eduardo Borges-Andrade

This study aims to investigate the impact of Hofstede’s six national cultural dimensions on informal learning behaviors (ILBs) and how they moderate the prediction of these…


Examining workplace affordances within work-study programmes for becoming an engineer

Shien Chue, Stephen Billett

Work-study programmes aim to support young adults transitioning from tertiary education to work and contribute to enhancing their employability. The purpose of this study is to…


IT professionals’ post-pandemic online learning: UTAUT model study

Sampada C. Deshmukh, Mita Mehta

This paper aims to examine employees’ online learning continuation intentions (OLCI), exploring factors such as performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), social…


A catalyst for activation against racism: case study on effectiveness of workplace equity, inclusion and diversity conversations

Patrick Decker-Tonnesen, Kabuika Kamunga, Erick Garcia, Monica Ibarra, Isabelle Martin, Kara Saliba, Caleta Beards, Barbara Jordan, Anjali Bhagra

This case study delves into the evolving landscape of equity, inclusion and diversity (EID) initiatives within the health-care sector, with a specific focus on the “EverybodyIN”…


How do care workers learn to care for people with dementia living in care homes? A model of informal learning

Isabelle Latham, Dawn Brooker, Kay de Vries

This paper describes a model of “Learning to care” derived from a study exploring how care workers in care homes learn to care for people living with dementia. The “Learning to…


Learning organization culture and knowledge sharing: the mediating role of social capital

Sumi Lee, Seung-hyun Han

This study aims to examine the underlying process through which learning organization culture positively influences knowledge sharing. It specifically explored the mediating role…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Sara Cervai
  • Prof Tauno Kekäle