Journal of Workplace Learning: Volume 26 Issue 6/7
Table of contents - Special Issue: The Visible and Invisible in Work and Learning
Guest Editors: Prof. Tara Fenwick, Prof. John Field
Four essential dimensions of workplace learning
Nick HopwoodThis conceptual paper aims to argue that times, spaces, bodies and things constitute four essential dimensions of workplace learning. It examines how practices relate or hang…
Uncovering a “Singaporean Way”: learning amidst diversity
Renée Hui Ling Tan– The paper aims to explore the possibility of advancing a Singaporean way of learning within the continuing education and training landscape in Singapore.
Everyday innovation – pushing boundaries while maintaining stability
Lena Lippke, Charlotte WegenerThe purpose of this paper is to explore how vocational teachers’ everyday practices can constitute innovative learning spaces that help students to experience engagement and…
Disturbing practices: training workers to be lean
Keiko Yasukawa, Tony Brown, Stephen BlackThe purpose of this paper is to explore the possibilities for expansive learning during organisational change. It considers the introduction of “lean production” as a disturbance…
Amateurism and professionalism in work and learning
Richard Edwards– This article aims to explore the concept of amateurism as a form of critique and addition to the concepts of professionalism, professional work and education.
Problematising practice, learning and change: practice-theory perspectives on professional learning
Ann Reich, Paul HagerThis paper aims to problematise practice and contribute to new understandings of professional and workplace learning. Practice is a concept which has been largely taken for…
Learning domestic violence interagency work: enacting “practice multiple”
Sarah StewartThis paper aims to shed light on the complex multiplicity of domestic violence interagency work. It proposes a new conceptualisation that reflects the entangled nature of…
Workplace learning to create social quality
Thomas ThijssenThe present study aims to focus on workplace learning and understanding learning as creation (Kessels, 1995, 1996, 2001; Verdonschot, 2009; Billett and Choy, 2013) to bridge the…
Low-income low-qualified employees’ access to workplace learning
Rebecca McPherson, Jia WangThe purpose of this paper was to investigate the embedded process that enables or constrains low-income low-qualified employees’ access to workplace learning in small…
Towards ex-centric theorizing of work and learning
Linda CooperThis paper aims to highlight the value of research contributions that have focused on making visible the knowledge of those historically excluded from formal knowledge-making. It…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Sara Cervai
- Prof Tauno Kekäle