Journal of Workplace Learning: Volume 22 Issue 1/2

Table of contents - Special Issue: Selected Papers from the 6th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning, Denmark, June 2009

Guest Editors: Professor Henning Salling Olesen

Guest Editor's introduction

Henning Salling Olesen

The purpose of this editorial is to outline the historical and conceptual context in which the research into workplace learning as a research field is emerging.


When is it OK to learn at work? The learning work of organisational practices

Hermine Scheeres, Nicky Solomon, David Boud, Donna Rooney

The purpose of this paper is to examine the use of “learning” through what we have termed “integrated development practices”. These are common organisational practices that both…


Practice‐based innovation: a learning perspective

Per‐Erik Ellström

The purpose of this paper is to explore the idea of practice‐based innovation and to propose a framework that can be used to conceptualize and analyze practice‐based innovation…


Learning and recognition in health and care work: an inter‐subjective perspective

Anne Liveng

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of recognition in learning processes among female nurses, social and health care assistants and occupational therapists working…


Exploring internal segregation in the South African medical profession

Angelique Wildschut

The purpose of this paper is to explore the motivations underlying the specialisation choices of six female specialist doctors working in Cape Town, South Africa and to…


University teachers' intentions for introductory professional classes

Anna Reid, Peter Petocz, Sue Gordon

The purpose of this paper is to investigate ways in which university students are introduced to disciplines and thence to the professions based on those disciplines.


Formal adult learning and working in Europe: a new typology of participation patterns

Günter Hefler, Jörg Markowitsch

The purpose of this paper is to show how a typology of participating patterns is developed to deepen understanding of participation in formal adult education and the relationship…


Learning to work no longer: exploring “retirement”

Heather Hodkinson

The purpose of this paper is to explore learning for and through retirement from the workplace.


Re‐thinking the “thing”: Sociomaterial approaches to understanding and researching learning in work

Tara Fenwick

The purpose of this paper is to compare theoretical conceptions that reclaim and re‐think material practice – “the thing” in the social and personal mix – specifically in terms of…

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  • Sara Cervai
  • Prof Tauno Kekäle