Journal of Workplace Learning: Volume 19 Issue 4
Table of contents
Student assessment in exemplary work‐based education programs
Derek H. Berg, Jennifer Taylor, Nancy L. Hutchinson, Hugh Munby, Joan Versnel, Peter ChinThe purpose of this paper is to describe the assessment practices reported by Canadian educators and workplace supervisors involved in exemplary work‐based education (WBE…
Talking about tools – investigating learning at work in police practice
Johan Lundin, Urban NuldénThe purpose of the paper is to show how professional tools trigger workplace learning. The daily mundane work of Swedish police officers has been studied to investigate how the…
Responsibility in dental praxis: an activity theoretical perspective
Diego Machado Ardenghi, Wolff‐Michael Roth, Lilian Pozzer‐ArdenghiThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the transitions practitioners undergo as they move from dental school to their first job in a dental clinic and their learning in the…
An exploratory study of corporate universities in China
Clare ShamThe main purpose of this paper is to examine the empirical status of corporate universities (CUs) in China. An a priori CU framework was employed in an attempt to describe the key…

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1997Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Sara Cervai
- Prof Tauno Kekäle