Journal of Workplace Learning: Volume 18 Issue 6
Table of contents - Special Issue: What a difference workplace learning makes: Selected papers from the Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning Conference, Stirling, Scotland, 24‐26 June 2005
Guest Editors: John Field
Circles of practice: educational and professional graphic design
Cheri D. LoganThis paper investigates the specialist learning undertaken in graphic design classrooms and its relationship to industry practices. It considers how well students are prepared for…
Mentor or evaluator? Assisting and assessing newcomers to the professions
Cathrine Le Maistre, Spencer Boudreau, Anthony ParéA four‐year longitudinal study was conducted on the school‐to‐work transition in four professions traditionally called “helping professions,” namely education, social work…
Online learning dialogues in learning through work
Sara Bosley, David YoungThe aim of this paper is to describe a study of online, asynchronous dialogues between tutors and nine work‐based postgraduate learners on learning through work (LtW) programmes.
Virtual learning communities as a vehicle for workforce development: a case study
Barbara Allan, Dina LewisThe purpose of this paper is to explore the benefits and challenges of using a virtual learning community (VLC) as a vehicle for workforce development. This paper argues that VLCs…
Individual learning accounts: a strategy for lifelong learning?
Albert RenkemaSince the end of the previous century social partners in different branches of industry have laid down measures to stimulate individual learning and competence development of…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Sara Cervai
- Prof Tauno Kekäle