Journal of Workplace Learning: Volume 16 Issue 3
Table of contents
An architecture for learning in projects?
Andrew J. SenseThis paper reports upon a two‐year, qualitative, case study action research investigation into “learning within a project team”. This project team undertook a significant…
Knowledge workers' perceptions of performance ratings
Alan D. Smith, William T. RuppOne major purpose of performance appraisals is to determine individual merit, especially where pay for performance systems are employed. Based upon expectancy theory, high…
Changing the work behaviour of Chinese employees using organisational learning
Barry Elsey, Johnny Sai‐kwong LeungThe management of workplace change takes place in many industry contexts and micro‐settings using a variety of approaches, all of which are widely reported in the academic and…
Learning as the construction of a new reality
Michael J. SheehanWithin a concept of life‐long learning, the study here reported is framed within the context of the expanding use of education and training in achieving organisational change. The…

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1997Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Sara Cervai
- Prof Tauno Kekäle