Journal of Workplace Learning: Volume 15 Issue 7/8

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Table of contents

Learning how to see: doctors making judgements in the visual domain

Alan Bleakley, Richard Farrow, David Gould, Robert Marshall

Initial results are presented from an ongoing, work‐based collaborative inquiry between three medical consultants (a pathologist, a radiologist and a dermatologist) and three…


Critical project competences – a case study

Inkeri Ruuska, IMatti Vartiainen

The purpose of this research was to find out critical project competences. Data were collected from two cases by means of interviews and questionnaires. The research approach was…


The interrelationships between informal and formal learning

Janice Malcolm, Phil Hodkinson, Helen Colley

This paper summarises some of the analysis and findings of a project commissioned to investigate the meanings and uses of the terms formal, informal and non‐formal learning. Many…


Worker responses to technological change in the Canadian public sector: issues of learning and labour process

Trish Hennessy, Peter H. Sawchuk

This article reports selected findings from a study on the changing nature of work, learning and technology in the Canadian public sector (Ontario). Vis‐à‐vis the involvement of a…


“I don’t think I am a learner”: acts of naming learners at work

David Boud, Nicky Solomon

The terms “learning” and “learner” are used in discussions of workplace learning as if they were unproblematic and as if workers, organisations and researchers had a common…


Learning to talk: from manual work to discourse work as self‐regulating practice

Hermine Scheeres

In the new work order, more and more work is talk, and much of the new kinds of textual or discourse work that employees, including production line workers, are undertaking, is…


Integrating theory and practice? Employees’ and students’ experiences of learning at work

Kaija Collin, Päivi Tynjälä

The integration of theory and practice has been recognised as one of the key questions in the development of professional expertise and vocational competence. In this study the…


Boundary crossing and learning in creation of new work practice

Hannele Kerosuo, Yrjö Engeström

The following theoretical challenges concerning learning in organizations and at work are examined in the study. First, organizational learning is not only the formation of…


Knowing as desiring. Mythic knowledge and the knowledge journey in communities of practitioners

Silvia Gherardi

Why do people and their organizations seek out knowledge? Most of the recurrent explanations emphasise the instrumental use of knowledge: in order to solve problems, to gain…


Hidden dimensions of work and learning: the significance of unpaid work and informal learning in global capitalism

David W. Livingstone

Over the past two centuries capitalist social relations and their underlying dynamics have become increasingly pervasive in the spaces of human life, and in particular in the…


The new generation of corporate universities – co‐creating sustainable enterprise and business development solutions

Ian Campbell, Richard Dealtry

Captures the researches, experience and current thoughts of two leading professional corporate university and corporate academy solutions designers and developers. Provides a…

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  • Sara Cervai
  • Prof Tauno Kekäle