Working with Older People: Volume 21 Issue 3

Practical approaches to work, leisure, lifestyle and learning


Table of contents

Neighborly assistance: high expectations of multi-generation cohousing projects

Yvonne Wechuli

Multi-generation cohousing projects are loaded with the expectations of inhabitants and planners, as well as political representatives. They are expected to foster a form of…

Evaluation of Age & Dementia Friendly Gymnastics Programme

Vinal Khushal Karania

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact of an bilaterally asymmetric gymnastics-based exercise programme on older people participating in a care home and day centre…

Mentalization in dementia care: an autoethnographic account of a project worker’s experiences

Bethany Luxmoore, Phil McEvoy

Mentalization is a psychodynamic concept that can help us to understand our emotional responses to others. The purpose of this paper to illustrate how the concept of mentalization…

Think outside: positive risk-taking with people living with dementia

Neil Mapes

The purpose of this paper is to share findings from the evaluation of dementia adventure (DA) holidays provided in 2016 and drawing on these data, to share reflections on positive…

Woodland Wellbeing: a pilot for people with dementia

Elanor Gibson, Nicola Ramsden, Rachel Tomlinson, Charlie Jones

The purpose of this paper is to understand whether a woodland-based intervention might offer something helpful and engaging for people affected by dementia. In total, 18 people…

Preventing isolation in sheltered housing: challenges in an era of reduced support funding

Anne M. Gray

The purpose of this paper is to inform the policies of sheltered housing providers with regard to preventing isolation amongst residents and generating practical support between…

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  • Dr Simone Bacchini