Policing: An International Journal: Volume 44 Issue 2

Table of contents - Special Issue: Stress, Health, and Wellness in Policing: Understanding and Addressing Complex Issues

Guest Editors: Jennifer R. Rineer, Kevin J. Strom, Travis A. Taniguchi

Social desirability, stress and health in police officers: preliminary results

Stephanie Habersaat, Sid Hamed Abdellaoui, Jutta M. Wolf

The purpose of this study is (1) to confirm the relationship between the two dimensions of social desirability (pretending and denying), self-reported stress and health reports in…


After 10–7: trauma, resilience and satisfaction with life among retired police officers

Patrick Parnaby, Ryan Broll

Most research on trauma, resilience and well-being among police officers focusses on those still on active duty. Comparatively speaking, and despite an aging workforce and…


The role of job stress and burnout on health-related problems in the Trinidad and Tobago police service

Hyunin Baek, Na-Yeun Choi, Randy Seepersad

The police in Trinidad experience extremely stressful job conditions (e.g., elevated rates of violent crime, the rapid spread of organized crime, financial constraints, and staff…


Association between health-related fitness, perceived stress, and metabolic syndrome prevalence in a sample of law enforcement officers

Benjamin Chase, Timothy Brusseau, Ryan Burns, James Hannon, Hester Henderson, Brian Kehoe

The purpose of this study is to examine the association between components of metabolic syndrome with health-related fitness (HRF) and perceived stress in a sample of law…


Development of a work–family conflict scale for spouses or partners of police officers

Karen L. Amendola, Maria Valdovinos Olson, Julie Grieco, Teresina G. Robbins

The purpose of this research is to initiate the development of a police-specific measure of work–family conflict (WFC) to assess spouse and/or partner perceptions of the impact of…


Use of employee assistance programs to manage stress in policing: the effects of perceived adequacy of assistance and opportunity for promotion

Erica Ceka, Natalia Ermasova

This study investigates the relationship between police officer's willingness to use Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and their perceptions about stress and help-seeking in…


Perceptions of identity management in police-civilian interactions: considering the role of gender and race

Kate M. Den Houter, Deepshikha Chatterjee

The purpose of this paper is to assess if in viewing tense, potentially stigmatizing, police-civilian interactions, people bring their own gendered and racial biases, as they form…


Factorial analysis of stress factors among the sample of Lebanese police officers

Fadi Afif Fayyad, Filip Vladimir Kukić, Nemanja Ćopić, Nenad Koropanovski, Milivoj Dopsaj

The purpose of the study is to determine the prevalence of stress and to identify the occupational stressors among Lebanese police officers.


From where does my support come? Unpacking the contribution of support for police

April D. Schantz, Stefany Coxe, Valentina Bruk-Lee

The purpose of this research is to explore the structure and impact of police officers' social support network on health and well-being. Social integration promotes opportunities…

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  • Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
  • Professor Wesley Jennings