Policing: An International Journal: Volume 41 Issue 3

Table of contents - Special Issue: Place-based policing: new directions, new challenges

Guest Editors: Martin A. Andresen, David Weisburd

Evaluating the impact of police foot patrol at the micro-geographic level

Martin A. Andresen, Tarah K. Hodgkinson

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of a police foot patrol considering micro-geographic units of analysis.


Collaborative problem-solving at youth crime hot spots: a pilot study

Charlotte Gill, David Weisburd, Zoe Vitter, Claudia Gross Shader, Tari Nelson-Zagar, Linda Spain

The purpose of this paper is to describe a case study of a pilot program in which a collaborative problem-solving approach was implemented at hot spots of juvenile and youth crime…


Data and evidence challenges facing place-based policing

Oliver Hutt, Kate Bowers, Shane Johnson, Toby Davies

The purpose of this paper is to use an evaluation of a micro-place-based hot-spot policing implementation to highlight the potential issues raised by data quality standards in the…

Open Access.

Spatiotemporal patterns and distributions of harm within street segments: The story of the “harmspot”

Stuart Norton, Barak Ariel, Cristobal Weinborn, Emma O’Dwyer

Virtually all analyses of hotspots have been devoted to a crude counting system, i.e. tallying the number of occurrences that take place in pre-specified units of space and time…


Institutionalizing place-based policing: the adoption of a Case of Place approach

Brenda J. Bond, Elias Nader

Research shows that crime and disorder tend to concentrate in small, geographic locations and that place-based and problem-solving policing strategies can impact crime and…


Offender and family member perceptions after an offender-focused hot spots policing strategy

Roberto G. Santos

The purpose of this paper is to examine how both offenders and their families perceived their interactions with police and whether there were negative consequences of the…


Hot spots of mental health crises: A look at the concentration of mental health calls and future directions for policing

Clair White, Victoria Goldberg

A strong body of research has established the concentration of crime in a small number of street segments or “hot spots” throughout urban cities, but the spatial distribution of…

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  • Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
  • Professor Wesley Jennings