Policing: An International Journal: Volume 44 Issue 6

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Table of contents

Emotional intelligence in policing: a state-of-the-art review

Obed Magny, Natalie Todak

Emotional intelligence (EI) reflects an ability to acknowledge one's own emotional state and keep one's emotions in balance while recognizing emotions in others, managing…


Strain, negative emotions and turnover intentions among American police managers

Viviana Andreescu, Gennaro F. Vito

The main objective of the study is to identify the effects of various sources of job-related strains on police managers' turnover intentions.


Examining police officers’ perceptions of stress: the role of Person−environment fit

Rachael Rief, Samantha Clinkinbeard

The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between officer perceptions of fit in their organization and stress (organizational and operational), overall job…


Assessing the impact of the national police training program Blue Courage on officer attitudes toward mental and emotional wellness

Gregory Drake

Officer wellness has become a popular area of focus in recent years. This purpose of this research is to examine the impact of a police training program, Blue Courage, on officer …


Adverse childhood experiences and police mental health

John M. Violanti, Anna Mnatsakanova, Ja K. Gu, Samantha Service, Michael E. Andrew

The purpose of this study is to examine cross-sectional associations between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and mental health among police officers.


Police bias and diminished trust in police: a role for procedural justice?

Natasha S. Madon, Kristina Murphy

Since 9/11, Muslims have experienced discrimination and scrutiny from authorities. For many, this experience has damaged their trust in law enforcement and left them with the…


Accountability and transparency as levers to promote public trust and police legitimacy: findings from a natural experiment

Tammy Rinehart Kochel, Wesley G. Skogan

This paper examines the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing's recommendation that police promote trust and legitimacy by creating a culture of transparency and…


Military experience among police officers: an examination of veterans' attitudes toward the community

Jacinta M. Gau, Erika J. Brooke, Eugene A. Paoline III, Krystle L. Roman

The purpose of the study was to determine whether prior military service impacts police officers' job-related attitudes.


Gender diversification in police agencies: is it a zero-sum game?

Jeffrey Nowacki, Joseph Schafer, Julie Hibdon

The article first examines whether police hiring decisions represent a zero-sum game where hires from one under-represented group (e.g. White women) reduce the number of hires…


Perceived threat and officer-involved shootings: characteristics leading to fatal vs non-fatal instances

Zavin Nazaretian, Cedrick Heraux, David Merolla

The purpose of this research is to compare the fatality rate of Black and White subjects shot by police. This comparison is meant to explore whether officer-involved shootings…


Impact of propensity to trust on the perception of police: an integrated framework of legitimacy perspective

Sung Lee, Jina Lee

The study aims to examine whether a baseline trait-level characteristic, in this case propensity to trust, impacts peoples' perception of procedural justice, police legitimacy…


When abusive supervision leads to good performance: an exploration of the bright side of abusive supervision

Filza Hameed, Sadia Shaheen, Bashir Ahmad, Muhammad Mudassar Anwar, Muhammad Ahmad-ur-Rehman

The successful performance of organizations depends on the smooth working relations between their leaders and employees. Considering the importance of the behaviors of…


Predictors of self-legitimacy among military police officers in São Paulo, Brazil

Viviane de Oliveira Cubas, Frederico Castelo Branco, André Rodrigues de Oliveira, Fernanda Novaes Cruz

The authors examine predictors of self-legitimacy for police officers belonging to the Military Police force of São Paulo (Brazil). Considering the variables mobilized by the…


Hit and miss: a comparison of targeted and randomised roadside drug testing (RDT)

Levi Anderson, Steven Love, James Freeman, Jeremy Davey

This study first aimed to investigate the differences in drug driver detection rates between a trial of randomised and targeted enforcement operations. The second aim was to…


Dying for the job: police mortality, 1950–2018

John M. Violanti, Ja K. Gu, Luenda E. Charles, Desta Fekedulegn, Michael E. Andrew

This study is a mortality assessment on police officers (68-years, 1950–2018) and includes all causes of death.

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
  • Professor Wesley Jennings