Policing: An International Journal: Volume 44 Issue 1
Table of contents
Stress and memory: a systematic state-of-the-art review with evidence-gathering recommendations for police
Paula M. Di Nota, Bryce E. Stoliker, Adam D. Vaughan, Judith P. Andersen, Gregory S. AndersonThe purpose of this study isto synthesize recent empirical research investigating memory of stressful critical incidents (both simulated and occurring in the field) among law…
Law enforcement worker suicide: an updated national assessment
John M. Violanti, Andrea SteegeThe purpose of this paper is to update the assessment of national data on law enforcement worker suicide based on the National Occupational Mortality Surveillance database (NOMS…
“Little Red Sandals”: female police officers' lived experience of investigating sexual violence
Adina Bozga, Almuth McDowall, Jennifer BrownAgainst a background of increasing workload and external criticism, the purpose of this paper is to expose the indelible memories impressed on female police officers dedicated to…
English rural policing: job stress and psychological distress
Jonathan Houdmont, Liza Jachens, Raymond Randall, Jim ColwellJob stressor exposure is associated with mental health in police officers. Police stress research rarely draws a distinction between urban and rural policing, raising the…
“It's all window dressing:” Canadian police officers' perceptions of mental health stigma in their workplace
Lesley J. BikosThis study will provide a preliminary, general overview of Canadian police officers' perception of stigma toward mental illness in their workplace culture and its impacts.
Vicarious trauma, secondary traumatic stress or burnout?: an exploratory study of the effects of investigating sexual assault cases on detectives
Melissa S. Morabito, April Pattavina, Linda M. WilliamsPolice officers are exposed to a wide variety of stressors – frequently interacting with people at their worst moments and sometimes absorbing the trauma that victims experience…
“It gave me the strength and will to continue and to overcome”: police officers constructing resilience while under threat from criminals
Laura I. SigadThe study aims to contribute an insider's view of how members of law enforcement and their families cope with life-threatening situations.
The stronger, the better? A natural experiment on the effects of pepper spray concentration levels
Rémi Boivin, Caroline TanguayOleoresin capsicum (OC) spray has proven to be a relatively effective tool to subdue resistant or aggressive subjects without causing major and permanent injuries. Several…
Federal intervention of police under section 14141 – a state-of-the-art literature review
Jason W. OstroweThe purpose of this state-of-the-art review is to explore the empirical literature on federal intervention of police under 42 USC Section 14141.
Comparing volunteer policing in Malaysia, England and Wales and the United States of America: cross-national findings
Phaik Kin Cheah, Iain Britton, Matthew Callender, Ross Wolf, Laura Knight, N. Prabha UnnithanThis article offers a tri-national comparison between Malaysia, England and Wales and the United States of America
The cost disease blues–do the police suffer from Baumol's cost disease?
Matti VuorensyrjäThe purpose of this study is to analyze the growth of unit costs per output in the Finnish police force (2002–2015). Is it higher than the growth of prices in the Finnish economy…
Perceived fairness of transfers and job satisfaction among police officers
Mahesh K. Nalla, Sheeraz Akhtar, Eric LambertPolice organizations work better when officers feel satisfied with their jobs. High job satisfaction has been linked to positive outcomes for both officers and police…
Perceptions of police use of force: the importance of trust
Arabella Kyprianides, Julia A. Yesberg, Jenna Milani, Ben Bradford, Paul Quinton, Oliver Clark–DarbyThe range of tactical force options available to police is increasing, while public debate about police use of force is never far from the headlines. This paper aims to examine…

1363-951XRenamed from:
Police Studies: Intnl Review of Police DevelopmentOnline date, start – end:
1997Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
hybridMerged from:
American Journal of PoliceEditors:
- Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
- Professor Wesley Jennings