Policing: An International Journal: Volume 42 Issue 6
Table of contents
Cross-lagged effects of resilience and indicators of sustainable employability; a study among Dutch police officers
Judith H. Semeijn, Marjolein C.J. Caniëls, Daniël KooistraSustainable employability is an important goal for individuals and organizations alike. However, scarce knowledge is available on possible cross-lagged relations of resilience…
Information sources used by local police to estimate the scope and nature of sex trafficking
Hyunjung Cheon, Charles M. Katz, Vincent J. WebbAlthough trafficking of persons for commercial sex has been increasingly recognized as a community level problem most estimates of the prevalence of sex trafficking in the USA are…
Child care stress and anxiety in police officers moderated by work factors
Erin C. McCanlies, Anna Mnatsakanova, Michael E. Andrew, John M. Violanti, Tara A. HartleyBalancing work and family in dual-earner households can be stressful. Research suggests that increased work-family conflict (WFC) significantly predicts poor psychological health…
Improving law enforcement’s response to non-fatal strangulation
Amy Reckdenwald, Ketty Fernandez, Chelsea L. MandesThe purpose of this paper is to evaluate a coordinated effort to improve the law enforcement response to non-fatal strangulation in the context of domestic violence.
Social support and work engagement in police work: The mediating role of work–privacy conflict and self-efficacy
Christine Wolter, Andreas Santa Maria, Burkhard Gusy, Tino Lesener, Dieter Kleiber, Babette RennebergJob resources are positively related to work engagement within the motivational process of the job demands–resources model (JD–R). Little is known about mediating mechanisms…
Comparing global and situational support for police use of force across immigrant generations and native-born Americans
Jaeyong ChoiThe purpose of this paper is to examine if global and situational support for police use of force vary across first-generation immigrants, second-generation immigrants and…
Policewomen of color: a state-of-the-art review
Natalie Todak, Katharine BrownThe purpose of this paper is to offer a state-of-the-art review of the research on women of color in American policing. Directions for future research are also highlighted.
Legal socialization and selective exposure to “cop-watching” websites
Richard K. Moule Jr, Megan M. Parry, Bryanna FoxThe legitimacy crisis faced by law enforcement has been suggested to be the result of a new media environment where citizens can record encounters with police and place these…
Personality trait differences in law enforcement officers: The impact of career-related stress and lengths of service
Darin J. Challacombe, Michelle Ackerman, Andjelka StonesLaw enforcement is a stressful career, especially to US-based officers. Officers are typically psychologically screened and declared fit for duty prior to completing training…
Comparing global spatial patterns of crime
Rémi Boivin, Silas Nogueira de MeloThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the spatial patterns of different phenomena in the same geographical space. Andresen’s spatial point pattern test computes a global index…
The impact of surveillance and procedurally just behavior on civilian affect and responses in hypothetical interactions with police officers
Sean Patrick RocheThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of surveillance from civilian smartphones and police body-worn cameras (BWCs), procedurally just tactics, and legal…
Weathering the Storm! The effects of the external environment on police efficiency in Peru
Erik Alda, Lucia DammertThe purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of external factors on police efficiency in a sample of Peru’s municipalities. Drawing on the postulates of the contingency…

1363-951XRenamed from:
Police Studies: Intnl Review of Police DevelopmentOnline date, start – end:
1997Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
hybridMerged from:
American Journal of PoliceEditors:
- Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
- Professor Wesley Jennings