Policing: An International Journal: Volume 41 Issue 6
Table of contents
Mental toughness and perceived stress in police and fire officers
Fiona Ward, Helen St Clair-Thompson, Alex PostlethwaiteMental toughness describes a set of attributes relating to how individuals deal with challenges, stressors, and pressure. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships…
The influence of procedural justice on citizen satisfaction with state law enforcement
Clair White, Michael Hogan, Tara Shelley, N. Prabha UnnithanThere are a number of individual and contextual variables that influence public opinion of the police but we know little about the public opinion regarding state law enforcement…
Race/ethnicity, discrimination, and confidence in order institutions
Yuning Wu, Liqun CaoThe purpose of this paper is to propose and test a conceptual model that explains racially/ethnically differential confidence in order institutions through a mediating mechanism…
Analyzing racial profiling from traffic searches: Using focal concerns theory and propensity score matching
Anthony Gennaro Vito, Elizabeth L. Grossi, George E. HigginsThe purpose of this paper is to examine the issue of racial profiling when the traffic stop outcome is a search using focal concerns theory as a theoretical explanation for police…
Officers’ views on women in policing: A comparison of male and female police officers in the United Arab Emirates and Taiwan
Doris C. ChuThe purpose of this paper is to examine how receptive police officers are to having women as partners and supervisors at work in a cross-national context. Specifically, it…
Police management reform, labor productivity, and citizens’ evaluation of police services
Matti VuorensyrjäThis study tracks changes in labor productivity of the Finnish police force over a period of thorough management reforms (2009-2014). Theoretically, the study is based on the cost…
Apartheid and post-apartheid analysis of public confidence in the police: A longitudinal analysis across time
Francis D. Boateng, Jihye Yoo LeeGiven the tumultuous history of policing in South Africa, the historic relationship between the police and the public, and the continuous rising crime rates, it is perplexing that…
Show cause analysis: A qualitative assessment of the factors influencing police misconduct from the perspective of the officers who commit it
Timothy I.C. Cubitt, Samantha J.H. JudgesThe purpose of this paper is to detect and examine any trends in the self-reported causation of misconduct among officers being considered for dismissal.
Going to the dogs? Police, donations, and K9s
Kevin Walby, Alex Luscombe, Randy K. LippertMost existing literature on K9 units has focused on the relationship between police handler and canine, or questions about use of force. The purpose of this paper is to explore…
Role reflections of police reservists: a study of volunteer reserve officers in Malaysia
Phaik Kin Cheah, N. Prabha Unnithan, Suresh SuppiahThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the work roles of the Royal Malaysia Police Volunteer Reserve officers.
Examining officer support for and perceived effects of police consolidation
Jeff Gruenewald, Jeremy M. Wilson, Clifford A. GrammichThe purpose of this paper is to review officer support for the consolidation of law enforcement agencies.
Measurement issues in police use of force: a state-of-the-art review
Meghan E. HollisThe purpose of this paper is to systematically and comprehensively review the extant literature on measurement issues in police use of force.
“Neighborhood” influence on police use of force: state-of-the-art review
John ShjarbackThe purpose of this paper is to present a state-of-the-art review on the topic of neighborhood/ecological influence on police use of force. In doing so, it provides an overview of…

1363-951XRenamed from:
Police Studies: Intnl Review of Police DevelopmentOnline date, start – end:
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hybridMerged from:
American Journal of PoliceEditors:
- Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
- Professor Wesley Jennings