Policing: An International Journal: Volume 41 Issue 5
Table of contents
Police officers’ experiences as victims of hate crime
Rob C. Mawby, Irene ZempiThe purpose of this paper is to fill a research and literature gap by examining the nature and impact of hate crime victimisation on police officers, and their responses to it…
Social avoidance in policing: Associations with cardiovascular disease and the role of social support
John M. Violanti, Claudia C. Ma, Ja K. Gu, Desta Fekedulegn, Anna Mnatsakanova, Michael E. AndrewThe purpose of this paper is to examine the association of social avoidance among police, cardiovascular disease (CVD) (metabolic syndrome (MetSyn)), and social support.
Can higher education reduce the negative consequences of police occupational culture amongst new recruits?
Carol Cox, Stuart KirbyThere is considerable evidence to illustrate police occupational culture can negatively influence service delivery and organizational reform. To counteract this, and to improve…
Police integrity in China
Guangzhen Wu, David A. Makin, Yongtao Li, Francis D. Boateng, Gassan AbessThe purpose of this paper is to examine the contours of police integrity among Chinese police officers. Specifically, this study explores how Chinese police evaluate integrity…
Is bigger better? An analysis of economies of scale and market power in police departments
Tate Fegley, Lisa Growette BostaphThe purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the nature of policing services allows for economies of scale to be realized. It is also a replication of Southwick (2005).
Media consumption and perceptions of police legitimacy
Lisa M. Graziano, Jane Florence GauthierGiven the heightened scrutiny of police by the media in the post-Ferguson era, the purpose of this paper is to test hypotheses derived from the cultivation theory regarding…
Examining the extent to which repeat and near repeat patterns can prevent crime
Spencer P. Chainey, Sophie J. Curtis-Ham, R. Mark Evans, Gordon J. BurnsThe purpose of this paper is to examine the extent and variation in the estimates to which crime can be prevented using patterns of repeats and near repeats, and whether hotspot…
Sex differences in posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms in police officers following exposure to violence in Ferguson: The moderating effect of empathy
Marin C. Beagley, Zoë D. Peterson, David R. Strasshofer, Tara E. GalovskiWomen comprise a significant and growing proportion of the law enforcement population. Despite this, their potentially unique reactions to job-related posttraumatic stress…
Secondary traumatic stress in police officers investigating childhood sexual abuse
Amy-Kate Hurrell, Simon Draycott, Leanne AndrewsPrevious research has indicated that helping professionals working with traumatised individuals are susceptible to adverse effects which can be recognised as secondary traumatic…
Special Weapons and Tactics operations: Examining the effects of differential police training on hostage rescue effectiveness
Avdi S. AvdijaThe purpose of this paper is to test the effects of differential police training on hostage rescue effectiveness. More specifically, this study looks at the types of police…
Police cynicism in Serbia: prevalence, nature and associations with job satisfaction
Radomir Zekavica, Biljana Simeunovic-Patic, Phillippus J. Potgieter, Cornelis J. RoelofseThe purpose of this paper is to present the results of the first research on prevalence, nature and correlates of the police cynicism in Serbia, with particular attention to the…

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Police Studies: Intnl Review of Police DevelopmentOnline date, start – end:
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American Journal of PoliceEditors:
- Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
- Professor Wesley Jennings