Policing: An International Journal: Volume 40 Issue 2

Table of contents

Measuring disparities in police activities: a state of the art review

Michael R. Smith, Jeff J. Rojek, Matthew Petrocelli, Brian Withrow

The purpose of this paper is to provide a contemporary review of the research on racial disparities in police decision making.


Does the “reverse racism effect” withstand the test of police officer fatigue?

Lois James, Stephen James, Bryan Vila

Policing faces several critical problems, the most immediate of which are arguably public perceptions of racial bias, and widely prevalent officer fatigue related to shift work…


Citizenship, fear and support for the criminalization of immigration: Contextualizing Mexican Americans’ attitudes about the role of law enforcement

Gia Barboza, Silvia Dominguez, Laura Siller, Miguel Montalva

The purpose of this paper is to explore the association between Mexicans’ support for the criminalization of immigration and level of police contact, fear of deportation and the…


A cross-national comparison of police attitudes about domestic violence: a focus on gender

Samara McPhedran, Angela R. Gover, Paul Mazerolle

The purpose of this paper is twofold. The first goal is to conduct a cross-national examination of law enforcement officer attitudes about domestic violence (DV) by comparing…


Gender differences in understanding police perspectives on crowd disorder

Stephanie E. Dawson, Garth Davies

The purpose of this paper is to examine the nature and dynamics of crowd disorder from the perspective of the police in a Canadian context, as well as to extend this perspective…


Policing juveniles in rural communities: Determinants of officer authoritative and supportive behavior

Sherry Lynn Skaggs, Ivan Y. Sun

The purpose of this paper is to explore factors that shape police behavior in juvenile interactions occurring in rural communities.


Attitudes of police officers toward offenders: implications for future training

Olga Soares Cunha, Rui Abrunhosa Gonçalves

Police officers’ attitudes toward criminals are critical to the justice system’s response to crime. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the attitudes toward offenders…


Using force: experiences of Belgian police officers

Jannie Noppe, Antoinette Verhage

The purpose of this paper is to gain insight into the type of force that is most frequently used by Belgian police officers in their daily activities, and to examine the…


Police officer understandings of human trafficking and awareness of anti-trafficking measures

Nathan Irwin

The purpose of this paper is to explore the police officer understandings of human trafficking and their awareness of relevant anti-trafficking policy and legislation, and…


What motivates the blue line for technology adoption? Insights from a police expert panel and survey

Michael Egnoto, Gary Ackerman, Irina Iles, Holly Ann Roberts, Daniel Steven Smith, Brooke Fisher Liu, Brandon Behlendorf

Testing technologies for policing is costly and laborious. Previous research found that police can be reticent about technology adoption. The purpose of this paper is to examine…


Organizational commitment among sheriffs’ deputies during the shift to community-oriented policing

Nicholas Michael Perez, Max Bromley, John Cochran

The purpose of this paper is to suggest that the environment in which law enforcement officers operate is a main source of their job satisfaction, which is related to their…


The relationship between feedback environment, feedback orientation, psychological empowerment and burnout among police in China

Zhenxing Gong, Jian Zhang, Yujia Zhao, Lei Yin

Burnout among first-line police in China is high. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between feedback environment, feedback orientation, psychological…


Structural elaboration in police organizations: an exploration

Alicia L. Jurek, Matthew C. Matusiak, Randa Embry Matusiak

The current research explores the structural elaboration of municipal American police organizations, specifically, the structural complexity of police organizations and its…


Confidence in the police and the fear of crime in the developing world

Erik Alda, Richard R. Bennett, Melissa S. Morabito

The determinants of the fear of crime have been extensively investigated over the past three decades, yet few studies are comparative, include data from developing countries or…


Social trust, neighborhood cohesion, and public trust in the police in China

Ziqiang Han, Ivan Y. Sun, Rong Hu

The purpose of this paper is to assess the influences of social trust and neighborhood cohesion on public trust in the police in China.


The effect of micro-level disorder incidents on public attitudes toward the police

Fei Luo, Ling Ren, Jihong Solomon Zhao

Drawing upon the police accountability model, the purpose of this paper is to advance the research on public attitudes toward the police (PATP) by examining the effects of…


Evaluating the police service quality for handling traffic crash reporting: A combined MCDA and LCA approach

Kira Janstrup, Sigal Kaplan, Michael Bruhn Barfod, Carlo Giacomo Prato

The phenomenon of traffic crash under-reporting has been extensively documented in terms of its extent, but not equally analysed in terms of its reasons. As police distrust has…


Using activity-based costing and simulation to reduce cost at a police communications centre

Andrew Greasley, Chris M. Smith

This study is based at a police force’s communications centre which undertakes a vital role in receiving and processing emergency and non-emergency telephone calls from the public…


Operation Thumbs Down: A quasi-experimental evaluation of an FBI gang takedown in South Central Los Angeles

Jerry H. Ratcliffe, Amber Perenzin, Evan T. Sorg

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the violence-reduction effects following an FBI-led gang takedown in South Central Los Angeles.


The impact of geocoding method on the positional accuracy of residential burglaries reported to police

David Mazeika, David Summerton

The purpose of this paper is to better understand the variability in burglary geocoding positional accuracy between United States Census Topologically Integrated Geographic…

Cover of Policing: An International Journal







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  • Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
  • Professor Wesley Jennings