Policing: An International Journal: Volume 40 Issue 1

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Table of contents - Special Issue: Outcomes of the National Police Research Platform

Guest Editors: Dennis P.Rosenbaum

Police culture: individual and organizational differences in police officer perspectives

Gary Cordner

Much of the commentary about police culture treats it as a monolithic and problematic feature of the police occupation that inhibits change and progress. The purpose of this paper…


Police supervision: perspectives of subordinates

Shea Cronin, Jack McDevitt, Gary Cordner

Given the central role of supervision in shaping police agency outcomes and the impact of the supervisor-subordinate relationship, the purpose of this paper is to understand…


Effects of police agency diversification on officer attitudes

Megan Alderden, Amy Farrell, William P. McCarty

In light of recent calls to increase the diversity of America’s police, the purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of agency and leadership diversification on officer job…


Police CEOs and subordinates’ perceptions of workplace misconduct: Examining the effect of demographic similarity on attitudinal congruence

Jon Maskaly, Christopher M. Donner, Lorie Fridell

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether homophily – whereby people are influenced by those perceived as similar to themselves – affects attitudes toward police misconduct…


Organizational justice and officer “buy in” in American policing

Dennis P. Rosenbaum, William P. McCarty

The purpose of this paper is to explore the dimensions of organizational justice in police organizations and evaluate how they contribute to organizational commitment, job…


Organizational cynicism in policing: Examining the development and growth of cynicism among new police recruits

Georgina Enciso, Jon Maskaly, Christopher M. Donner

The purpose of this paper is to examine organizational cynicism (OC) among new police officers. Specifically, this paper investigates what factors are predictive of baseline…


Sheriff’s deputies and police officers: comparing their views

William P. McCarty, Stacy Dewald

The purpose of this paper is to compare views of the community, views of the organization head, and perceptions of organizational justice between deputies working in sheriff’s…


The Police-Community Interaction Survey: measuring police performance in new ways

Dennis P. Rosenbaum, Jon Maskaly, Daniel S. Lawrence, Justin H. Escamilla, Georgina Enciso, Thomas E. Christoff, Chad Posick

There is widespread interest in moving beyond crime statistics to measure police performance in new ways, especially the quality of police-community interactions that influence…


Putting H.E.A.R.T. into policing: a 21st century model for effective and fair policing

Chad Posick, Heather Hatfield

Police-community relations are currently at a cross-road. Incidents over the past several years have severely damaged trust and faith in the police – particularly in minority…


Predicting procedural justice behavior: examining communication and personality

Daniel S. Lawrence, Thomas E. Christoff, Justin H. Escamilla

Law enforcement agencies have historically used psychological examinations, in addition to other methods, to screen candidates out of the applicant pool. However, agencies could…


Looking ahead to Platform 2.0: participant feedback and institutionalization

Jim Bueermann, Justin H. Escamilla, Susan M. Hartnett

The National Police Research Platform provided unprecedented data about police performance, but what did the agency heads think of this research program and the results? How…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
  • Professor Wesley Jennings