Policing: An International Journal: Volume 36 Issue 1
Table of contents
The distribution of water‐monitoring organizations across states: Implications for community environmental policing and social justice
Michael J. Lynch, Paul B. StreteskyThe purpose of this paper is to draw upon concepts in community‐oriented policing in order to explore the distribution of citizen water‐monitoring organizations and their role in…
Why police officers and labour inspectors (do not) blow the whistle: A grid group cultural theory perspective
Kim LoyensThe purpose of this paper is to offer and test a theoretical framework that can be used to identify different styles of peer reporting, and explain why police officers and labour…
An evaluation of the promotional processes in a large Texas metropolitan police department
Stephen A. BishoppThe purpose of this paper is to examine a police promotional process, in order to determine factors important for a sergeant to be promoted to lieutenant. To do this, written…
The state of police integrity in Armenia: findings from the police integrity survey
Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich, Aleksandr KhechumyanThe purpose of this paper is to study the extent and nature of police integrity in Armenia. It analyses police officer views about misconduct seriousness, appropriate and expected…
Police suicide: prevalence, risk, and protective factors
Mark H. Chae, Douglas J. BoyleThe purpose of this paper is to explore risk and protective factors associated with suicidal ideation among law enforcement personnel.
Exploring the relationship between foot and car patrol in violent crime areas
Elizabeth R. Groff, Lallen Johnson, Jerry H. Ratcliffe, Jennifer WoodThe purpose of this paper is to describe how the Philadelphia Police Department instituted a large‐scale randomized controlled trial of foot patrol as a policing strategy and…
Exploring the public parameter of police integrity
Michael E. Meyer, Jean Steyn, Nirmala GopalThe purpose of this paper is to explore the contribution of the public component of Klockars’ and Kutnjak‐Ivkovic's organizational theory of police integrity to the understanding…
Police response to domestic violence: multilevel factors of arrest decision
Joongyeup Lee, Yan Zhang, Larry T. HooverPolice factor in extra‐legal as well as legal context in their decision to arrest a suspect. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of extra‐legal factors at both…
Curtailing the code of silence among the South African police
Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich, Adri SauermanThe purpose of this paper is to explore the contours of the code of silence, as a critical component of the ability to control misconduct and enhance integrity within any police…
Community policing and fear of crime in Seoul: a test of competing models
Sunghoon Roh, Dae‐Hoon Kwak, Eunyoung KimThe purpose of this paper is to examine the complex constellation of underlying factors between community policing and fear of crime by embracing various exogenous variables…

1363-951XRenamed from:
Police Studies: Intnl Review of Police DevelopmentOnline date, start – end:
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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
hybridMerged from:
American Journal of PoliceEditors:
- Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
- Professor Wesley Jennings