Policing: An International Journal: Volume 33 Issue 4

Table of contents

The Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy: A reassessment of the CAPS program

Robert M. Lombardo, David Olson, Monte Staton

The purpose of this paper is to study the Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS), the largest community policing program in the USA.


Macro social determinants of black police force size: Political mobilization and crime control

Mitchell B. Chamlin, Beth A. Sanders

Consistent with both conflict and economic theories of crime control, recent research indicates that there is a linear, positive association between the racial composition of…


Chinese immigrants' attitudes toward the police in San Francisco

Doris C. Chu, Linda S.J. Hung

The purpose of this paper is to examine different aspects of Chinese immigrants' perceptions in San Francisco.


Effective leaders and leadership in policing: traits, assessment, development, and expansion

Joseph A. Schafer

Police leaders and leadership remain understudied within existing criminal justice scholarship. Using data derived from police supervisors participating in the Federal Bureau of…


The feasibility and practicability of police training: Investigative interviewers' perceptions towards coaching

Lotte Smets, Christina Pauwels

Although there is an international consensus concerning how police investigative interviews should be adequately and reliably conducted, daily police interview practices are still…


An examination of police use of force utilizing police training and neighborhood contextual factors: A multilevel analysis

Hoon Lee, Hyunseok Jang, Ilhong Yun, Hyeyoung Lim, David W. Tushaus

The purpose of this paper is to examine police use of force using individual, contextual, and police training factors, expanding prior research by including multiple police…


Measuring public perceptions of the police

Edward R. Maguire, Devon Johnson

The purpose of this paper is to test Mastrofski's six‐dimensional conceptualization of perceived service quality of the police.


W(h)ither the PCSO?: Police perceptions of the Police Community Support Officer's role, powers and future directions

Jonathan Merritt

The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of the Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) in the UK. The development of the role is charted from its inception under the…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
  • Professor Wesley Jennings