Policing: An International Journal: Volume 33 Issue 3
Table of contents
Officer's perception of organizational arrangements and preventive policing practice: An open‐system approach to South Korean police departments
Chang‐Hun Lee, Jung‐Mi Kim, Jong‐Gil KimThe aim of the current study is three‐fold: it aims to empirically investigates the relationship between officers' perceptions on organizational structure and preventive policing…
An empirical exploration of the dimensionality of inter‐employee trust in police organizations
E.S. Ralston, S.A. ChadwickThe police force in the USA is a unique organizational type that combines structural traits of military and professional bureaucracy. The specifics of police work require high…
A street‐drug elimination initiative: the law enforcement perspective
James M. Frabutt, M. Kristen Hefner, Kristen L. Di Luca, Terri L. Shelton, Lynn K. HarveyThe purpose of this study is to elucidate the elements, developmental stages, and operational steps of an open‐air drug market intervention employed in two North Carolina…
Widening the scope on complaints of police misconduct
Kimberly D. Hassell, Carol A. ArchboldThis study aims to examine the relationship between officer characteristics, productivity levels, situational context, the complaint process and allegations of police misconduct…
Policing and effects‐based operations: modelling methamphetamine
Zhivan J. AlachThe aim of this paper is to identify a way by which the concepts of effects‐based operations (EBO), an approach to problem solving derived from military thought, might be applied…
Interagency collaboration: An administrative and operational assessment of the Metro‐LEC approach
Julie Schnobrich‐Davis, William TerrillThe purpose of this paper is to examine an interagency collaboration (The Metropolitan Law Enforcement Council – Metro‐LEC), consisting of 42 law enforcement agencies that provide…
Making domestic violence arrests: a test of expectancy theory
Richard R. JohnsonThe purpose of this paper is to use expectancy motivation theory to test the influence of organizational work environment on aggregate patrol officer arrest activity with regard…
The code of silence and disciplinary fairness: A comparison of Czech police supervisor and line officer views
Sanja Kutnjak Ivković, Tara O'Connor ShelleyThis paper aims to explore how police officer rank affects the relation between the extent of the code of silence and views of discipline fairness.

1363-951XRenamed from:
Police Studies: Intnl Review of Police DevelopmentOnline date, start – end:
1997Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
hybridMerged from:
American Journal of PoliceEditors:
- Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
- Professor Wesley Jennings