Policing: An International Journal: Volume 32 Issue 4

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Table of contents

Small city community policing and citizen satisfaction

Vivian B. Lord, Joseph B. Kuhns, Paul C. Friday

This paper aims to examine the impact of the implementation of community‐oriented policing and problem solving in a small city.


Is neighborhood context a confounder?: Exploring the effects of citizen race and neighborhood context on satisfaction with the police

Mengyan Dai, Richard R. Johnson

The purpose of this study is to examine individual‐level and community‐level models of citizen satisfaction with the police with particular focus on the effects of citizen race…


Police stress: the role of the psychological contract and perceptions of fairness

A.J. Noblet, J.J. Rodwell, A.F. Allisey

The overall purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which breaches in psychological contracts and perceptions of organizational fairness account for variations in job…


Police and immigration enforcement: Impacts on Latino(a) residents' perceptions of police

Guadalupe Vidales, Kristen M. Day, Michael Powe

Recent years have witnessed a national policy shift towards involving state and local police in enforcing US federal immigration laws. Critics argue that involving local police in…


Does politics matter? Cross‐national correlates of police strength

Rick Ruddell, Matthew O. Thomas

This paper aims to examine the political, social, and legal factors that shape the deployment of the police in a cross‐national sample of nations.


Women Special Agents in Charge: the first generation

Dorothy Moses Schulz

The purpose of this paper is to provide findings of an exploratory study of Special Agents in Charge (SACs) in a variety of federal law enforcement agencies and presents summary…


Towards the unification of policing innovations under community policing

Matthew C. Scheider, Robert Chapman, Amy Schapiro

The purpose of this paper is to examine how various policing innovations, including problem‐oriented policing, broken windows, intelligence‐led policing, Compstat, third‐party…


On‐scene victim assistance units within law enforcement agencies

Margaret Smith Ekman, Magnus Joseph Seng

The major purpose of this paper is the review of the administration and operation of four on‐scene victim assistance units within law enforcement agencies in one Canadian and…


Police use of force and the cumulative force factor

Ross Wolf, Charlie Mesloh, Mark Henych, L. Frank Thompson

This paper aims to build on and contribute to earlier studies on use of force by the police, and examines both officer and suspect force levels during altercations.


Chinese police cadets' attitudes toward police role and work

Ivan Y. Sun, Michael A. Cretacci, Yuning Wu, Cheng Jin

The purpose of this paper is to examine Chinese police cadets' attitudes toward police roles and their work.


The diffusion of accreditation among Florida police agencies

William G. Doerner, William M. Doerner

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the adoption of state accreditation has diffused or spread among Florida municipal police law enforcement agencies.

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
  • Professor Wesley Jennings