Policing: An International Journal: Volume 32 Issue 3
Table of contents - Special Issue: Policing in Central and Eastern Europe, And Beyond – Contemporary Issues In Social Control
Guest Editors: Gorazd Meko, Chuck Fields
Slovenian police officers' attitudes towards contemporary security threats and punishment
Helmut Kury, Gorazd Meško, Miran Mitar, Chuck FieldsThe purpose of this paper is to identify and describe police officers' opinions on the prevailing anxieties, feeling of fears and threats, attitudes towards crime and punishment.
Understanding diversity in policing: Serbian perspectives
Želimir KešetovićThe purpose of this paper is to examine relations between police and vulnerable social groups in Serbia as a post‐conflict society in transition.
An assessment of the cooperation of governmental agencies with the criminal investigation department in criminal investigations: The case of Slovenia
Irena Gorenak, Vinko GorenakThe purpose of this paper is to describe and to research cooperation between the police and other relevant government organizations. The subject of this paper is cooperation…
The Croatian police, police integrity, and transition toward democratic policing
Sanja Kutnjak IvkovićThis paper aims to explore a critical component of the successful transition into a democratic police agency – the state of police integrity – among the Croatian police officers…
Post‐conflict private policing: experiences from several former Yugoslav countries
Andrej SotlarThe purpose of this paper is to analyse the development of the private security sector in several former Yugoslav countries that have gone through difficult post‐conflict…
Are police and security personnel warming up to each other?: A comparison of officers' attitudes in developed, emerging, and transitional economies
Mahesh K. Nalla, Joseph D. Johnson, Gorazd MeškoThe purpose of this paper is to examine the nature of police‐security relationships in three different continents that are unique in their economic, political, and social culture…
Shifting cultures: managerialism and the rise of “performance”
Tom Cockcroft, Iain BeattieThe purpose of this paper is to explore the consequences that followed the introduction of a performance measurement regime that is introduced into a subdivision of an English…
Qualitative approach to the research into the parameters of human security in the community
Sladjana DjuricThe purpose of this paper is to present a qualitative methodological model applied in the human security research in local communities as a part of a wider community‐based…

1363-951XRenamed from:
Police Studies: Intnl Review of Police DevelopmentOnline date, start – end:
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hybridMerged from:
American Journal of PoliceEditors:
- Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
- Professor Wesley Jennings