Policing: An International Journal: Volume 32 Issue 1

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Table of contents

Explaining patrol officer drug arrest activity through expectancy theory

Richard R. Johnson

The purpose of this paper is to test the ability of expectancy motivation theory to explain patrol officer drug arrest productivity, with the hope of identifying ways to influence…


Student perception of learning through a problem‐based learning exercise: an exploratory study

Eric P. Werth

Staff at Idaho Peace Officer Standards and Training developed a 70‐hour problem‐based learning exercise (PBLE) and integrated this program into the existing Basic Patrol Officer…


Impact of network ties on change in police agency practices

Aki Roberts, John M. Roberts

Organizational research has suggested that network ties influence adoption of innovations and other organizational behavior. This paper aims to study the impact of network ties on…


Paying a marriage tax: An examination of the barriers to the promotion of female police officers

Carol A. Archbold, Kimberly D. Hassell

This paper aims to examine some of the factors associated with the decision to participate in the promotion process for female police officers in a Midwestern police agency.


Continuous training as a subject of negotiations in public and private policing: Managing security expertise in a changing environment – an exploratory study

Marc Alain, Chantal Crête

This paper aims to explore and document how the question of continuous training/education is presently being dealt with in the area of public services and private security…


Exploring agency policing models and response to domestic violence

Keith Clement, Kimberly M. Tatum, Matthew J. Kruse, Julie C. Kunselman

This paper aims to examine the relationship between law enforcement agency domestic violence standard operating procedures (SOPs) and Florida's model policy for domestic violence…


Nurturing isolation in the South African police service: A comparison of male and female recruits

Michael E. Meyer, Jean Steyn

The article aims to report on an examination of South African Police Service (SAPS) recruits for indicators evincing the presence of the police culture theme of isolation. The…


Police, managerialization and presentational strategies

Jan Terpstra, Willem Trommel

The managerialization of the police may be seen as an effort to restore the legitimacy of the police. This paper aims to show that the managerialist strategy presently occurring…


The effect of locus of control in the reduction of corruption in the Nigerian police

Amos Oyesoji Aremu, Francis Pakes, Les Johnston

Locus of control is the perception of an individual's perception about events in his or her life. This paper aims to improve police ethical standards using a counselling approach…


Police organizational structure and child sexual abuse case attrition

Edward R. Maguire

This paper aims to explore the effects of formal police organizational structure on child sexual abuse case attrition.

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
  • Professor Wesley Jennings