Policing: An International Journal: Volume 28 Issue 2
Table of contents
A prospective study of alcohol consumption rates of first‐year Australian police officers
Mark Rallings, Peter Martin, Jeremy DaveyTo prospectively investigate the alcohol consumption and health‐related behaviours of Australian police officers.
The role of management post‐NPM in the implementation of new policies affecting police officers' practices
Yvonne Brunetto, Rod Farr‐WhartonThis paper aims to examine the impact of resources, accountability, management practices and organisational culture on the implementation of a policy (in this case, a domestic…
Ethno‐racial political transition and citizen satisfaction with police
Brad W. SmithOne of the most consistent and widely discussed findings in research on citizens' attitudes toward the police is that African‐American citizens view the police less favorably than…
Use of existential‐phenomenological counseling for police officers
James R. BarrenThe purpose of this study was to investigate effects of existential counseling on 20 police officers. Existential group therapy was expected to change locus of control beliefs…
Burnout, job stress and attitudes towards the use of force by Norwegian police officers
Ronald J. Burke, Aslaug MikkelsenAlthough many studies have considered burnout in the human services, little research on burnout has focused on police officers. This study aims to examine the relationship between…
Negotiating order in the policing of youth drinking
Joseph A. SchaferField studies of police behavior have tended to focus on the generalized patrol function in major urban areas. Largely absent from this body of literature are considerations of…
The importance of expectation fulfilment on domestic violence victims' satisfaction with the police in the UK
Amanda L. Robinson, Meghan S. StroshineThis paper seeks to investigate what victims of domestic violence expect police to do for them, and how these expectations subsequently influence their levels of satisfaction.
The effect of law enforcement stress on organizational commitment
Fernando Jaramillo, Robert Nixon, Doreen SamsThis study takes an interdisciplinary research orientation in an attempt to comprehensively investigate the effects of police stress internal to the organization (i.e. role…
Neo‐liberalism, community, and police regionalization in Canada: A critical empirical analysis
Savvas Lithopoulos, George S. RigakosNeo‐liberal policies have had a profound effect on the organization of policing in Canada by rationalizing provincial and federal initiatives that off‐load policing costs to…
The contribution of local safety councils to local responsibility in crime prevention and provision of safety
Gorazd Meško, Branko LobnikarThe purpose of the paper is to explore some dimensions of the community policing strategy of the Slovene police, which emphasizes establishment, reinforcement and maintenance of…

1363-951XRenamed from:
Police Studies: Intnl Review of Police DevelopmentOnline date, start – end:
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American Journal of PoliceEditors:
- Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
- Professor Wesley Jennings