Policing: An International Journal: Volume 26 Issue 1

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Table of contents

Measuring police‐community co‐production: Trade‐offs in two observational approaches

Brian C. Renauer, David E. Duffee, Jason D. Scott

A popular practice of community‐policing is police attendance at community meetings. Given the prevalence of this co‐productive activity, research needs to understand the…


The theory of andragogy applied to police training

Michael L. Birzer

Police‐training is an important tool in the process of facilitating change within police organizations. With the further implementation of community‐oriented policing strategies…


The commitment and satisfaction of lower‐ranked police officers: Lessons for management

Yvonne Brunetto, Rod Farr‐Wharton

This study reports findings about what factors affect the job commitment and satisfaction of lower‐ranked police officers. Over the past decade, there have been significant…


The role of the COPS Office in community policing

John L. Worrall, Jihong Zhao

This paper explores the relationship between community‐policing and grants provided by the Office of Community‐Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) in the US Justice…


The myth(?) of the police sub‐culture

John K. Cochran, Max L. Bromley

This study examines empirically the extent to which there is evidence of an endemic sub‐culture of policing among a sample of sheriffs’ deputies. While failing to observe…


Shifting paradigms: Policing in Northern Ireland

Jean Marie McGloin

The Good Friday Agreement of 1998 was the explicit base for the politically shared, though tenuous, internal government of Northern Ireland. This ensuing process has highlighted…


Police officers on two‐officer units: A study of attitudinal responses towards a patrol experiment

Alejandro del Carmen, Lori Guevara

Presents results of a study which examined 50 US police officers perceptions regarding performance, applicability, effectiveness and safety issues when assigned to two‐officer…


Justice and law enforcement in Afghanistan under the Taliban: How much is likely to change?

Fida Mohammad, Paul Conway

Presents an overview of the justice and law enforcement systems which prevailed in Afghanistan under the Taliban, incorporating personal views of some Afghan intellectuals and…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
  • Professor Wesley Jennings