Policing: An International Journal: Volume 25 Issue 3

Table of contents

Determinants of citizens’ attitudes toward police: Results of the Harrisburg Citizen Survey – 1999

Barbara Sims, Michael Hooper, Steven A. Peterson

The essence of community policing is a police‐community partnership for identifying, prioritizing and resolving citizen problems. The nature of community policing demands that…


The creation of specialized police gang units: A macro‐level analysis of contingency, social threat and resource dependency explanations

Charles M. Katz, Edward R. Maguire, Dennis W. Roncek

Specialized police gang units are a rapidly emerging form of concentrated social control. Prior research, however, into the creation of specialized gang units suffers from a…


Sheriff’s deputies’ receptivity to organizational change

John K. Cochran, Max L. Bromley, Matthew J. Swando

Many criminologists have investigated the implementation process concerning the transformation toward community‐oriented policing, while researchers interested in the area of work…


Partnerships, information and public safety: Community policing in a time of terror

William Lyons

Congress has expressed concern that the Homeland Security agency might lack the power necessary to prevent future terrorist attacks. This paper argues that it less likely to be a…


Perceptions of the police: Past findings, methodological issues, conceptual issues and policy implications

Ben Brown, Wm Reed Benedict

This research updates and expands upon Decker’s article “Citizen attitudes toward the police: a review of past findings and suggestions for future policy” by summarizing the…


Drug‐testing police officers and police recruits: The outcome of urinalysis and hair analysis compared

Tom Mieczkowski, Kim Michelle Lersch

The purpose of this article is to explore the issue of drug use among police officers and police recruits. Data from two large police agencies were used in this analysis. Results…


Predicting the effects of military service experience on stressful occupational events in police officers

George T. Patterson

A review of the literature suggests that law enforcement agencies adopted a paramilitary model of management based on little empirical evidence supporting the suitability of this…


Traffic policing: an international perspective

Peter C. Kratcoski, Dilip K. Das

A total of 70 representatives from all continents of the world discussed the challenges of “traffic policing” in the twenty‐first century at the 7th Annual Meeting of the…


Police‐school resource officers’ and students’ perception of the police and offending

Arrick Jackson

Using a sample of 271 students from four schools in the southeast region of Missouri, this paper evaluates the impact of school resource officers (SRO) on young people’s views and…

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  • Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
  • Professor Wesley Jennings