Policing: An International Journal: Volume 24 Issue 1

Table of contents

Police officer physical ability testing – Re‐validating a selection criterion

Gregory S. Anderson, Darryl Plecas, Tim Segger

The aim of this study was to determine the bona fide occupational requirements of general duty police work, and use this information to re‐validate a physical abilities test used…


The influence of grip strength on handgun marksmanship in basic law enforcement training

Anne G. Copay, Michael T. Charles

This study investigated the influence of grip strength on semi‐automatic handguns in basic law enforcement training. The grip strength and marksmanship scores of police recruits…


Pre and post‐test differences between Vietnamese and Latino residents involved in a community policing experiment – Reducing fear of crime and improving attitudes towards the police

Sam Torres, Ronald E. Vogel

To address a persistent crime problem in a large, high crime apartment complex occupied by Latino and Vietnamese immigrants in Garden Grove, California, the local police…


Police work in the Caribbean – The influence of gender and nation

Jeanne M. Flavin, Richard R. Bennett

Over the past two decades, the growing number of women entering the police profession has challenged the historic male dominance of the occupation. Research from the USA and the…


The effects of expectancy disconfirmation on outcome satisfaction in police‐citizen encounters

Michael D. Reisig, Meghan Stroshine Chandek

This study tests the expectancy disconfirmation model using survey data from citizens who recently had police encounters. We find support for the expectancy disconfirmation…


Police crime recording and investigation systems – A user’s view

Richard William Adderley, Peter Musgrove

This paper provides an overview of the role computer software plays within police forces with particular attention paid to crime analysis and investigation computer systems. A…


Working in teams: negative effects on organisational performance in policing

Carlene Wilson, Neil Brewer

This study tested predictions derived from social psychological theorising on the deindividuation phenomenon concerning the effects of working alone or collectively on the quality…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich
  • Professor Wesley Jennings